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. 2020 Jan 14;51(6):976–988. doi: 10.1017/S0033291719003891

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Mean PTSD-RI scores at 1½ and 25 years and the delta scores for the three groups after the 1988 Spitak earthquake. *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001. PTSD-RI, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Reaction Index; Tx, treatment; EQ, earthquake.

  • A 1½ year comparison between Gumri-treated (a) and Gumri-not-treated (b) groups showed no significant difference. However, at 25 years, Gumri-treated (b) was significantly less than Gumri-not-treated (d) (t = −2.03, df = 73, p < 0.05).
  • A 1½ year comparison between differentially exposed group scores showed Spitak-not-treated (e) was higher than Gumri-not-treated (c) (t = 6.14, df = 107, p < 0.001). At 25 years there was no significant difference between the two groups, even though the mean score for Spitak was higher (f > d) (t = 1.43, df = 107, p = 0.15).
  • Within group by time analysis showed a significant decrease of PTSD-RI scores for the three groups between 1½ and 25 years: Gumri-treated (a > b) (t = 6.0, df = 32, p < 0.001); (b) Gumri-not-treated (c > d) (t = 4.0, df = 41, p < 0.001); (c) Spitak-not-treated (e > f) (t = 7.05, df = 66, p < 0.001).
  • Between group comparisons of the delta in PTSD-RI scores: Gumri-treated (g) greater than Gumri-not-treated (h) (t = 2.23, df = 73, p < 0.03); Spitak-not-treated (i) greater than Gumri-not-treated (h) (t = 2.42, df = 107, p < 0.02).