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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 May 28.
Published in final edited form as: Cell Rep. 2021 May 4;35(5):109088. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109088


Phospho-Cyclin B1 (S133) Cell Signaling Cat. #4133; RRID:AB_2072264
Cyclin B1 ThermoFisher Cat. #MA5-14319; RRID:AB_10987286
cTnT-647 BD Biosciences Cat. #565744; RRID:AB_2739341
cTnT ThermoFisher Cat. #MA5-12960; RRID:AB_11000742
TnI Santa Cruz Cat. #sc-15368; RRID:AB_793465
Alpha-actinin Sigma Cat. #A7811; RRID:AB_476766
Alpha-actinin Abcam Cat. #AB9465; RRID:AB_307264
p53 (ChIP-validated) Cell Signaling Cat. #48818; RRID:AB_2713958
p21 Cell Signaling Cat. #2947; RRID:AB_823586
GAPDH Cell Signaling Cat. #5174; RRID:AB_10622025
Phospho-H2AX (S139) Cell Signaling Cat. #9718; RRID:AB_2118009
Phospho-AMPK (Thr172) Cell Signaling Cat. #2535; RRID:AB_331250
AMPK Cell Signaling Cat. #5832; RRID:AB_10624867
GFP-488 BioLegend Cat. #338008; RRID:AB_2563288
Phospho-Histone H3 (Ser28) 647 BioLegend Cat. #641005; RRID:AB_1279419
Ki67-PE-Cy7 BD Cat. #561283; RRID:AB_10716060
Aurora Kinase A Cell Signaling Cat. #14475; RRID:AB_2665504
b-MHC DSHB Cat. #A4.951; RRID:AB_528385
Peroxidase-conjugated anti-BrdU Roche Cat. #11585860001; RRID:AB_514485
Ki67-647 BD Cat. #558615; RRID:AB_647130
Goat anti-mouse PE Jackson Cat. #115-116-072; RRID:AB_2338627
Goat anti-mouse 488 Invitrogen Cat. #A11001; RRID:AB_2534069
Goat anti-mouse 594 Invitrogen Cat. #A11005; RRID:AB_2534073
Goat anti-rabbit 594 Invitrogen Cat. #A11012; RRID:AB_2534079
Rabbit anti-mouse 488 Invitrogen Cat. #A11059; RRID:AB_2534106
Biotin-SP goat anti-mouse Jackson ImmunoResearch Cat. #115-065-003; RRID:AB_2338557
Goat anti-rabbit IgG HRP Cell Signaling Cat. #7074; RRID:AB_2099233
Goat anti-mouse IgG HRP Invitrogen Cat. #A11008; RRID:AB_143165
H3K27ac (ChIP-validated) Diagenode Cat. #C15410196; RRID:AB_2637079
H3K4me1 (ChIP-validated) Diagenode Cat. #C15410194; RRID:AB_2637078
H3K4me2 (ChIP-validated) Abcam Cat. #AB7766; RRID:AB_2560996
H3K4me3 (ChIP-validated) Diagenode Cat. #C15410003; RRID:AB_2616052
H3K27me3 (ChIP-validated) Diagenode Cat. #C15410195; RRID:AB_2753161
H3K9me3 (ChIP-validated) Diagenode Cat. #C15410193; RRID:AB_2616044
H3K36me3 (ChIP-validated) Diagenode Cat. #C15410192; RRID:AB_2744515
IgG control (ChIP-validated) Cell Signaling Cat. #2729; RRID:AB_1031062
Critical commercial assays
NextSeq 500/550 v2 Illumina Cat. #FC4042005
Absurance H3 Histone Peptide Array Millipore Cat. #16667
SMARTer ThruPLEX DNA-seq Takara Cat. #R400427
NEBNext Library Quant kit New England BioLabs Cat. #E7630
Nextera XT Library Prep kit Illumina Cat. #15032354
HiFi DNA Assembly New England BioLabs Cat. #E2621
Seahorse XF Cell Mito Stress Agilent Cat. #103015-100
Ex-Taq polymerase Takara Cat. #RR001C)
Qubit dsDNA kit Invitrogen Cat. #Q32854
iDeal ChIP Kit for Transcription Factors Diagenode Cat. #C01010055
Fast SYBR Green Master Mix Applied Biosystems Cat. #4385612
HT 8-oxo-dG ELISA kit Trevigen Cat. #4380-096-K
Click-iT Plus EdU Alexa Fluor 647 Flow
Cytometry Assay Kit
Invitrogen Cat. #C10635
AF647 tyramide ThermoFisher Cat. #B40916
Click-iT Plus TUNEL Alexa Fluor 594 Assay
Invitrogen Cat. #C10618
Experimental models: Cell lines and animals
PGP1 human iPSCs Coriell Cat. #GM23338
PC1 human iPSCs Christine Seidman, Harvard (Hinson et al., 2016)
WTC-11 human iPSCs Gladstone, UCSF A gift from Dr. Bruce Conklin
Sprague-Dawley rats Harlan/Envigo N/A
HEK293T ATCC Cat. #CRL3216
Brunello sgRNA library Addgene Cat. #73178
HR220PA SBI Cat. #HR220PA-1
EditR-Cas9 Dharmacon Cat. #CAS10138
psPAX2 Addgene Cat. #12260
pCMV-VSV-G Addgene Cat. #8454
LentiGuide-Puro Addgene Cat. #52963
pCas9-GFP Addgene Cat. #44719
pLenti CMV GFP Puro Addgene Cat. #17448
PX459v2 Addgene Cat. #62988
Oliognucleotides for custom sgRNA library IDT Custom order
Oligonucleotides for scRNA-seq UMIs IDT Custom order
Software and algorithms
MAGeCK Bitbucket
DiffBind Bioconductor
rGREAT Bioconductor
Homerkit GitHub
Rtsne GitHub
Seurat GitHub
STAR (v.2.5.4a) GitHub
Molecular Signature Database Broad
EdgeR Bioconductor
CellView GitHub
GraphPad Prism GraphPad Software
Fiji NIH
Drop-seq_tools GitHub
Calcium signal analysis (Pettinato et al., 2020)
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
IWP4 Tocris Cat. #5214
CHIR99021 Tocris Cat. #4423
Y-276932 Tocris Cat. #1254
Nutlin-3 Sigma Cat. #444151
Fibronectin (human) Corning Cat. #33016015
Matrigel GFR Corning Cat. #354230
Insulin (human) Sigma Cat. #91077C
Verapamil Tocris Cat. #0654
NAC Alfa Aesar Cat. #A1540914
GeneJuice Transfection Reagent EMD Millipore Cat. #709675
GoTaq Flexi DNA polymerase Promega Cat. #M8297
ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 Tocris Cat. #1254
CHIR99021 Cayman Cat. #13122
Wnt-C59 Selleck Cat. #S7037
Fibronectin Fisher Cat. #33-016-015
Benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp(O-methyl)-fluoro-methyl ketone (ZVAD) Millipore Cat. #627610
Bcl-XL BH4 Millipore Cat. #197217
Cyclosporine A Novartis
IGF-1 Peprotech Cat. #100-11
Pinacidil Sigma Cat. #P154
5-Bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU) Sigma Cat. #B5002
Accutase BD Biosciences Cat. #561527
RPMI 1640 ThermoFisher Cat. #11875093
DMEM (glucose-free) GIBCO Cat. #11966025
Opti-MEM GIBCO Cat. #31985062
Polyethylenimine (PEI) Polysciences Cat. #239662
PEG-6000 Millipore Sigma Cat. #528877
Trypsin-EDTA GIBCO Cat. #25200056
Geneticin (G418) GIBCO Cat. #10131035
Zeocin GIBCO Cat. #R25005
Protein G Dynabeads ThermoFisher Cat. #10004
Puromycin GIBCO Cat. #A1113803
Blasticidin GIBCO Cat. #A1113903
B27 supplement GIBCO Cat. #17504044
B27 supplement (−insulin) GIBCO Cat. #A1895601
Penicillin/Streptomycin GIBCO Cat. #15140122
GlutaMAX GIBCO Cat. #35050061
Sodium lactate Sigma Cat. #71718
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) MilliporeSigma Cat. #1064255
mTeSR1 STEMCELL Technologies Cat. #85850
DAPI Invitrogen Cat. #D1306
TO-PRO-3 Invitrogen Cat. #T3605
Hoechst 33342 ThermoFisher Cat. #62249
MitoTracker Green Invitrogen Cat. #M7514
MitoSOX Red Invitrogen Cat. #M36008
Fetal bovine serum (heat-inactivated) Gemini Cat. #100-106
Protein G Dynabeads ThermoFisher Cat. #10014
PBS GIBCO Cat. #10010049
picoGreen ThermoFisher Cat. #P7589
KOD Hot Start Master Mix MilliporeSigma Cat. #71842-4
SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent substrate ThermoFisher Cat. #34580
ProLong Gold Mountant Invitrogen Cat. #P36965
4–20% Mini-PROTEAN TGX gels Bio-Rad Cat. #4561095
RTA PVDF Transfer kit Bio-Rad Cat. #1704272
BSA, Fraction V Fisher Cat. #BP1605
Pyruvate GIBCO Cat. #11360070
Tris-Glycine SDS 10X Fisher Cat. #BP13414
Maxima H Minus Reverse Transcriptase ThermoFisher Cat. #EP0751
Exo I New England BioLabs Cat. #M0293
AMPure beads Beckman Coulter Cat. #A63881
KAPA HiFi Kapa Biosystems Cat. #KM2602
DH5a E.coli cells New England BioLabs Cat. #C2987
Stbl3 E.coli cells Invitrogen Cat. #C737303
Stbl4 E.coli cells Invitrogen Cat. #11635018
4mm cuvettes Bio-Rad Cat. #1652088
RIPA buffer Cell Signaling Cat. #9806
Protease inhibitor cocktail Roche Cat. #11836170001
Phosphatase inhibitor Pierce Cat. #A32957
BCA kit ThermoFisher Cat. #23225
Protein sample buffer ThermoFisher Cat. #39000
Puromycin ThermoFisher Cat. #A1113803
Versene ThermoFisher Cat. #15040066
PBS GIBCO Cat. #14190144
RPMI GIBCO Cat. #11875093
Bovine Serum Albumin Sigma Cat. #A9418
Ascorbic Acid Sigma Cat. #A8960
FBS BioWest Cat. #S1620
0.05% Trypsin-EDTA GIBCO Cat. #25300054
Saponin Sigma Cat. #47036
CryoStor Sigma Cat. #C2874
Diaminobenzadene (DAB) Vector Labs Cat. #PK-6100
Deposited data
scRNA-seq data GEO GEO: GSE147249
CRISPR screen data GEO GEO: GSE147417
ChIP-seq data GEO GEO: GSE130285