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. 2021 May 28;11(6):e393. doi: 10.1002/ctm2.393


The EBV‐DNA load and genetic characteristics of 10 late‐onset primary HLH cases and their families

Case number Relationship Age (y) EBV (copies/μg) Gene Protein 1000 genome SIFT (<0.05)
Case 1 Proband 14 (1.2 ±0.1) × 107 AP3B1 S671F 0.049 (Damaging)
Father 40 <5 × 102 Normal
Mother 39 <5 × 102 AP3B1 S671F
Brother 0.75 <5 × 102 AP3B1 S671F
Case 2 Proband 18 (3.3 ±0.5) × 107 LYST H151R 0.042 (Damaging)
UNC13D S919F 0.699 (Tolerated)
Father 50 <5 × 102 LYST H151R
Mother 49 <5 × 102 UNC13D S919F
Case 3 Proband 25 (5.4 ± 1.5) × 105 PRF1 G306S 0.010 (Damaging)
PRF1 P22RfsX29
Father 48 (4.1 ±1.1) × 103 PRF1 P22RfsX29
Mother 47 <5 × 102 PRF1 G306S
Brother 23 <5 × 102 PRF1 G306S
PRF1 P22RfsX29
Son 1 (3.2 ±0.8) × 103 PRF1 G306S
Case 4 Proband 45 (1.9±0.3) × 107 STX11 R49Q 0.02 1.000 (Tolerated)
PRF1 R225Q 0.366 (Tolerated)
Father 70 <5 × 102 STX11 R49Q
Mother 69 <5 × 102 PRF1 R225Q
Brother 47 <5 × 102 STX11 R49Q
Brother 43 <5 × 102 PRF1 R225Q
Sister 40 <5 × 102 PRF1 R225Q
Son 16 <5 × 102 PRF1 R225Q
Daughter 18 <5 × 102 STX11(hom) R49Q
Husband 48 <5 × 102 STX11 R49Q
Case 5 Proband 12 (1.3 ±0.4) × 107 ITK R581W 0.001 0.007 (Damaging)
Father 39 <5 × 102 Normal
Mother 37 <5 × 102 ITK R581W
Case 6 Proband 25 (7.7 ±1.9) × 105 STXBP2 R566G 0.012 0.035 (Damaging)
Father 50 <5 × 102 Normal
Mother 49 <5 × 102 STXBP2 R566G
Elder Sister 27 <5 × 102 STXBP2 R566G
Younger Sister 23 <5 × 102 Normal
Case 7 Proband 21 (1.3±0.7) × 107






0.000 (Damaging)

0.262 (Tolerated)

Father 45 <5 × 102 UNC13D G863D
Mother 44 <5 × 102 UNC13D A397T
Case 8 Proband 18 (6.5±1.3) × 107







0.000 (Damaging)

1.000 (Tolerated)

Father 43 <5 × 102





Mother 42 <5 × 102 Normal
Case 9 Proband 32 (4.0 ± 1.1) × 106 GZMB R120W 0.031 (Damaging)
Father 54 (1.2 ±0.3) × 103 GZMB R120W
Mother 53 <5 × 102 Normal
Sister 35 <5 × 102 GZMB R120W
Case 10 Proband 13 (1.2±0.4) × 107 RAB27A R187Q 0.009 0.372 (Tolerated)
Father 38 <5 × 102 RAB27A R187Q
Mother 36 (1.2±0.6) × 104 Normal
Brother 8 <5× 102 Normal

1000 genome, also known as 1000 genome project, is a map of human genome variation from population‐scale sequencing, the number stands for the frequency of amino acid substitution in the database. "‐" means amino acid substitution can't be detected in the database. SIFT predicts whether an amino acid substitution affects protein function. The lower the score, the more likely to be harmful.

Abbreviations: hom, homozygote; y, year.