Table 1.
Bivariate correlations between diet, obesity, depression and COVID-19 fatality measures.
Variable | COVID-19 Crude Mortality Rate | COVID-19 Case Fatality Ratio | Sugar Consumption, kg/Capita/Year | Seafood Consumption, g/Capita/Day | Depression, Point Prevalence (%) | Obesity, Point Prevalence (%) |
COVID-19 crude mortality rate | * | 0.275 (0.018) ** |
0.51 (<0.001) ** | <0.01 (0.999) | 0.56 (<0.001) ** | 0.66 (<0.001) |
COVID-19 case-fatality ratio | - | * | 0.01 (0.999) |
−0.28 (0.015) ** |
0.01 (0.999) |
−0.07 (0.999) |
Sugar consumption | - | - | * | 0.07 (0.999) |
0.52 (<0.001) ** |
0.68 (<0.001) ** |
Seafood consumption | - | - | - | * | 0.34 (0.999) |
0.07 (0.999) |
Depression, point prevalence | - | - | - | - | * | 0.64 (<0.001) ** |
Note: All correlations are given in the form: Spearman’s correlation coefficient (significance level). All significance values are corrected for a 6 × 6 correlation matrix. All correlations are for log-transformed crude mortality rates and case-fatality ratios. *, value omitted (same variable in row and column); **, significant at p < 0.05 after Bonferroni’s correction.