Characterization of KCNQ2 mRNA-EGFP reporter mouse line and increased cFos activity in the hippocampus after hyperexcitability. (a) Dose-response curve for maximum behavioral seizure severity (Racine scale) of the KCNQ2 mRNA-EGFP reporter mouse line after injection of pilocarpine (mg/kg, i.p.). Mice were administered 1 mg/kg scopolamine 30 min. before pilocarpine. Mean group data were pooled from male and female mice (n = 8-12 animals per concentration), of which there were no significant sex differences. The red dashed line denotes the 230 mg/kg subthreshold dose to be used in subsequent experiments. (b) Bars summarize cFos + immunoreactive cell counts from each hippocampal subregion of vehicle- and pilocarpine-challenged (230 mg/kg) mice. *p < .05. n = 3-4 mice per subregion. (c) Shown are confocal microscopy images of cFos (red) immunohistochemistry in (upper panels) DG and (lower panels), under ×40 magnification, of CA1, CA3, and DG principal neurons in vehicle- and pilocarpine-treated mice, 2 hr after injection. Hippocampal slices were co-stained for Neu-N (green). Data represent mean ± SEM [Color figure can be viewed at]