Table 1:
Primary objective of each paper included in this review and the section(s) in which it is cited.
Primary Objective | Publication | MCTAs included in these papers |
Characteristics of MCTA users in menstrual cycle research | ||
To highlight decision points during the recruitment-enrollment process and the effect of modifications on enrollment numbers and demographics in a contraceptive efficacy study of an MCTA. | [12] | Dot |
To assess MCTA use for women or girls with heavy menstrual disorders | [14] | Not named |
To track premenstrual symptoms and sexually transmitted infections | [16] | Clue |
To examine an acupressure intervention on dysmenorrhea | [17] | AKUD |
To evaluate whether an MCTA was associated with reduced depression and dysmenorrhea | [18] | Karada-no-kimochi |
To assess the efficacy of an MCTA at pregnancy prevention | [19] | Dot |
To compare self-reported fertility data generated by an MCTA cohort in comparison with existing data. | [20] | Ovia |
To explore variations of menstrual cycle length and ovulation day in women seeking to conceive. | [21] | Clearblue Connected Ovulation System |
To clarify how MCTA data can be used to improve the ovulation prediction accuracy. | [22] | LunaLuna |
To describe menstrual cycle characteristics observed with an MCTA and investigate associations of menstrual cycle characteristics with cycle length, age and body mass index | [23] | Natural Cycles |
Characteristics of MCTA users in fertility research | ||
To compare self-reported fertility data generated by an MCTA cohort in comparison with existing data. | [20] | Ovia |
To evaluate the association between menstrual cycle characteristics and time to pregnancy. | [25] | Ovia |
To evaluate the difference in conception rates between women trying to conceive using an MCTA-ovulation test system, versus those trying without ovulation testing. | [24] | Clearblue Connected Ovulation Test System |
To predict a woman’s probability of becoming pregnant using data from an MCTA | [26] | Clue |
To examine the extent to which MCTAs influence fecundability in women trying to conceive | [27] | Multiple |
Characteristics of MCTA users of contraceptive apps | ||
To retrospectively evaluate the effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based MCTA to prevent unwanted pregnancies. | [8] | Natural Cycles |
To assess whether women in a variety of settings were interested in and able to use a fertility app, learn the profile of women who chose to use an app and their purpose for using it, assess what their prior experience with family planning was, and determine how satisfied they were with the app. | [29] | CycleBeads |
To assess whether the CycleBeads app brings new users to family planning, to understand the experience of its users in Kenya and to determine how user experience varies by the channel through which women learned about the app. | [30] | CycleBeads |
Reasons users choose or continue using a particular MCTA | ||
To propose an approach for a period tracking app with an adaptive user interface that takes the users goal and context into account. | [31] | Multiple |
To assess whether the CycleBeads app brings new users to family planning, to understand the experience of its users in Kenya and to determine how user experience varies by the channel through which women learned about the app. | [30] | CycleBeads |
To investigate how people engaging in period-tracking use and experience these apps through qualitative research. | [32] | Multiple |
To explore women’s uses of and relationships with MCTAs. | [33] | Multiple |
To determine ovulation prediction accuracy of MCTAs and published calendar methods compared with the LH surge. | [34] | Multiple |
To retrospectively evaluate the effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based MCTA to prevent unwanted pregnancies. | [8] | Natural Cycles |
Among women with dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome: can MCTAs selected based on users’ needs lead to changes in health-related factors? | [35] | Multiple |
To identify women who currently use or intend to use an MCTA to prevent pregnancy, and explore their preferences and perceptions about MCTAs for this purpose. | [36] | Multiple |
To develop an evidence-based evaluative framework to support a systematic examination of menstrual health concepts, and to evaluate MCTAs features and functions in terms of these menstrual health concepts. | [37] | Multiple |
To consider why and how women track their menstrual cycles, examining their experiences to uncover design opportunities and extend the field’s understanding of personal informatics tools. | [38] | Multiple |
To examine how MCTAs targeted at female reproductive health are offering novel forms and practices of knowledge production about reproductive bodies and processes. | [39] | Multiple |
To explore how health consumers use apps for health monitoring, their perceived benefits from use of health apps, and suggestions for improvement of health apps. | [40] | CTAs were one type of included health app |
To develop an MCTA for monitoring the menstrual cycle for clinical treatment planning. | [41] | Infertility Handling |
Accuracy of ovulation and fertile window prediction | ||
To identify, describe, and evaluate mobile phone apps that purport to help users prevent unintended pregnancy | [42] | Multiple |
To identify smartphone MCTAs and evaluate their accuracy, features, and functionality. | [43] | Multiple |
To review and appraise Apple Store MCTAs for ovulation prediction, and other topics related to fertility or the management of infertility. | [44] | Multiple |
To determine ovulation prediction accuracy of MCTAs and published calendar methods compared with the LH surge. | [34] | Multiple |
To develop a new, personalised approach of estimating a woman’s most fertile days that only requires recording the first day of menses in an MCTA. | [45] | DOT |
To clarify how MCTA data can be used to improve the ovulation prediction accuracy. | [22] | LunaLuna |
To assess whether the CycleBeads app brings new users to family planning, to understand the experience of its users in Kenya and to determine how user experience varies by the channel through which women learned about the app. | [30] | CycleBeads |
To examine the extent to which MCTAs influence fecundability in women trying to conceive | [27] | Multiple |
To evaluate the difference in conception rates between women trying to conceive using an MCTA-ovulation test system, versus those trying without ovulation testing. | [24] | Clearblue Connected Ovulation Test System |
To provide the first theoretical review and evaluation of BBT-based ovulation detection. | [46] | Not focused on one app, but on BBT in general |
To retrospectively evaluate the effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based MCTA to prevent unwanted pregnancies. | [8] | Natural Cycles |
To investigate the contraceptive efficacy of Natural Cycles through the perfect- and typical-use Pearl Index. | [9] | Natural Cycles |
To evaluate the ability of a novel web and mobile application to identify a woman’s ovulation day and fertile window, in order to use it as a method of natural birth control. | [7] | Natural Cycles |
To compare self-reported fertility data generated by an MCTA cohort in comparison with existing data. | [20] | Ovia |
To develop a tool to evaluate and rate fertility apps specifically designed to help couples avoid pregnancy. | [48] | Multiple |
To explore differences in the use of CycleProGo between those exposed to it as a part of natural family planning (NFP) instruction versus those who find it on their own. | [49] | CycleProGo |
Missing data and accuracy | ||
To compare the accuracy of fertile window identification with the contraceptive app Natural Cycles against the Rhythm Method and Standard Days Method (SDM). | [6] | Natural Cycles |
To examine user tracking behaviors | [13] | Sympto Kindara |
To predict a woman’s probability of becoming pregnant using data from an MCTA | [26] | Clue |
To describe menstrual cycle characteristics observed with an MCTA and investigate associations of menstrual cycle characteristics with cycle length, age and body mass index (BMI). | [23] | Natural Cycles |
To propose an approach for a period tracking app with an adaptive user interface that takes the users goal and context into account. | [31] | Multiple |
To investigate how people engaging in period-tracking use and experience these apps through qualitative research. | [32] | Multiple |
To examine how MCTAs targeted at female reproductive health are offering novel forms and practices of knowledge production about reproductive bodies and processes. | [39] | Multiple |
To explore women’s uses of and relationships with MCTAs. | [33] | Multiple |
To consider why and how women track their menstrual cycles, examining their experiences to uncover design opportunities and extend the field’s understanding of personal informatics tools. | [38] | Multiple |
To investigate the MCTA DOT’s effectiveness, calculating perfect- and typical-use failure rates. | [51] | DOT |
Quality assessments of MCTAs | ||
To identify smartphone MCTAs and evaluate their accuracy, features, and functionality. | [43] | Multiple |
To develop a tool to evaluate and rate fertility apps specifically designed to help couples avoid pregnancy. | [48] | Multiple |
To develop a scoring system for rating available apps for determining the fertile window and to pilot test 12 apps currently available in both German and English | [52] | Multiple |
To identify and evaluate apps intended to aid women in conception | [53] | Multiple |