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. 2020 Dec 21;22(6):e333–e338. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002649


Responses for the Three Major Topics: Coronavirus Disease 2019 Simulation, Noncoronavirus Disease 2019 Simulation, and Telesimulation As Well As to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Simulation Topics

Questions and Answers (Responses, n) n (%)
Specific simulation-based trainings for COVID-19 (n = 234) 156 (66.7)
 Real medical equipment for training (n = 130) Yes
  Yes, new material in every training 10 (7.7)
  Yes, (re)usage of parts of actual PPE 72 (55.4)
  Yes, only expired material 20 (15.4)
  Other nonessential material/equipment 57 (43.8)
  No special trainings for this 5 (3.8)
  Other 16 (12.3)
 Training frequency (n = 130) Yes
  Once 8 (6.2)
  Once a month 6 (4.6)
  Once a week 34 (26.2)
  2–3 times a week 57 (43.8)
  Every day 21 (16.2)
 Other 10 (7.7)
Continuation of non-COVID-19 simulation activities (n = 208) 107 (51.4)
 Modifications due to COVID-19 (n = 97) Yes
  None 10 (10.3)
  Smaller numbers of participants 63 (64.9)
  Change of training site 29 (29.9)
  Change of training mode 40 (41.2)
  Other 48 (49.5)
 Barriers for continuation (n = 97) Yes
  Staffing issues/lack of personal resources 48 (49.5)
  Financial issues 15 (15.5)
  Logistical issues (i.e., room for training or simulation mannequin) 32 (33)
  Time-related issues 30 (30.9)
  Infection concerns 62 (63.9)
  Hospital regulations 40 (41.2)
  Social distancing requirements 81 (83.5)
  Lack of other options (i.e., telesimulation) 12 (12.4)
  Training with real equipment would be unethical due to acute shortages of PPE for clinical work 40 (41.2)
  Other 8 (8.2)
Usage of telesimulation (COVID-19 or non-COVID-19) (n = 97) 47 (48.5)
 Location of learners (n = 47) Yes
  In situ with the simulation mannequin in their working environment 8 (17)
  In our simulation center with the simulation mannequin 12 (25.5)
  At home at their screen while confederates are with the simulation mannequin 32 (68.1)
  Other 10 (21.3)
 Software (n = 47) Yes
  Local simulation software’s telesimulation function 11 (23.4)
  Zoom 29 (61.7)
  Google Hang-outs 2 (4.3)
  Skype 7 (14.9)
  Microsoft Teams 14 (29.8)
  Other 20 (42.6)

COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019, PPE = personal protective equipment.