Figure S2.
Robustness and parameter sensitivity analysis of the mincost flow model, related to Figure 2
(A) Parameter sensitivity of cell type transitions. For each parameter examined, flows were re-computed and the mean transition frequency over all time points between pairs of cell types was reported (left panel for each shown parameter). Capacity variance and capacity costs 1 and 2 are the three parameters defining the convex capacity cost (cost functions are depicted in the right panel of each parameter). Logistic loc and scale as well as Markov process time t are parameters used to define manifold distances between MCs. For the parameters logistic loc and logistic scale, the different shapes of the resulting logistic distance are plotted on the right (see STAR Methods for complete description of the mincost flow model). The values used to derive the flow model in Figure 2 are marked in red in all panels.
(B) Robustness analysis of the mincost flow model: For each replica MC model (one embryo left out per iteration), manifold distances and flows are recomputed. Boxplots show for each transition the 20 most frequent flow transitions between two cell types. Boxes represent values of the 153 replica flows, and the transition frequencies of the original flow model are marked as red dots.