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. 2021 May 28;154:106664. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106664

Table 1.

Sample characteristics according to country (Portugal and Spain, n = 3157).

Portugal (n = 1638)
Spain (n = 1519)
p-value country differencesa
Variable n/mean %/SD n/mean %/SD
Sociodemographic and housing characteristics
Female 1229 75.1 1125 74.1 0.012
Male 407 24.9 386 25.4
Other 0 0.0 8 0.5
Age group
≤24 y 406 24.8 78 5.1 <0.001
25–39 y 558 34.1 518 34.1
40–64 y 638 38.9 827 54.4
≥65y 36 2.2 96 6.3
Education attainment
Primary or no education 23 1.4 22 1.4 <0.001
Secondary 379 23.1 153 10.1
Tertiary (university degree) 1236 75.5 1344 88.5
Household size (no. inhabitants) 4.5 2.0 3.4 1.7 <0.001
Dependents in the household
Yes, children 473 28.9 525 34.6 <0.001
Yes, elderly 113 6.9 52 3.4 <0.001
Yes, person(s) with physical/mental disabilities 23 1.4 18 1.2 0.699
Yes, other type of dependent person 55 3.4 20 1.3 <0.001
No 982 60.0 850 56.0 0.023
Housing typology
Rural single-family house 413 25.2 135 8.9 <0.001
Urban single-family house 314 19.2 240 15.8
Apartment 869 53.1 970 63.9
Top-floor apartment 33 2.0 171 11.3
Other 9 0.5 3 0.2
House area
<45 sq. m 52 3.8 60 4.0 <0.001
46–75 sq. m 155 11.2 370 24.7
76–105 sq. m 297 21.5 489 32.6
106–150 sq. m 305 22.0 285 19.0
151–200 sq. m 194 14.0 129 8.6
More than 200 sq. m 381 27.5 167 11.1
Individual monthly disposable income before the lockdown
<600 euros 158 9.6 95 6.3 <0.001
600–1199 euros 578 35.3 266 17.5
1200–1999 euros 378 23.1 535 35.2
2000–2999 euros 167 10.2 390 25.7
3000–4999 euros 33 2.0 126 8.3
5000 euros or more 12 0.7 14 0.9
Country of birth
Native 1466 89.5 1326 87.3 0.137
Other European country 75 4.6 89 5.9
Non-European country 97 5.9 104 6.8
Lockdown related variables
Income change during the lockdown
Severely reduced 200 14.2 191 13.2 0.394
Moderately reduced 238 16.9 224 15.5
Remained the same 958 68.0 1023 70.7
Increased 13 0.9 9 0.6
Type of housing during the lockdown
Main home 1506 92.0 1432 94.3 0.002
Second-home 61 3.7 23 1.5
Family/friends home 66 4.0 59 3.9
Other 4 0.2 4 0.3
Lockdown duration (days) 32.8 10.9 14.1 8.7 <0.001
Outside activities during the lockdown
Obtaining essential goods and services (e.g. food, medicines, healthcare) 1373 83.8 1306 86.0 0.101
Going to work 396 24.2 159 10.5 <0.001
Assisting vulnerable people (e.g. elderly, disabled) 270 16.5 123 8.1 <0.001
Walk the companion animal 248 15.1 163 10.7 <0.001
Walk and exercise 787 48.0
Take out the garbage 1008 61.5 1020 67.1 0.001
Never went out 67 4.1 119 7.8 <0.001
Other 5 0.3 8 0.5 0.489
Frequency of leaving the house
Less than once a week or never 432 26.4 102 7.9 <0.001
1–2 times a week 601 36.7 729 56.3
3–6 times a week 297 18.1 252 19.5
Once a day 233 14.2 120 9.3
Several times a day 75 4.6 91 7.0
Mental health outcomes
Psychological distress 2.9 2.0 2.7 1.9 <0.001
Perceived stress 5.8 2.1 5.1 2.3 <0.001
Somatization 15.0 5.2 13.6 4.2 <0.001

Chi-squared test (or Fisher’s exact test) was used for categorical variables, while for continuous variables we used T-test, Mann-Whitney test or Wilcoxon-test, according to variable type and distribution.