Figure 7. Enhancer-AAV specificity of hDLXI56i and DLX2.0 vectors in ex vivo human neocortical slices.
(A) Workflow for acquiring fresh human neurosurgical tissue for AAV vector testing.
(B) AAV-DLX2.0-minBG-SYFP2 transduction of human ex vivo brain slice. Reporter fluorescence labels scattered neurons with diverse non-pyramidal cellular morphologies spanning all neocortical layers.
(C and D) Molecular identity of AAV-hDLXI56i-minBG-SYFP2+ (C) or AAV-DLX2.0-minBG-SYFP2+ (D) singly sorted human cells by scRNA-seq. The majority of human cells labeled by these vectors are inhibitory neurons of multiple transcriptomic types. Dendrogram represents human MTG taxonomy (Hodge et al., 2019), leaves represent 75 transcriptomic cell types, and circles represent labeled and sorted cells mapped onto the taxonomy. Circle size represents cell numbers. Circles on intermediate nodes of the dendrogram represent incomplete mapping to cell type. Data from eight independent experiments are shown (four in C and four in D).