Effect of e-cigarette vape (ECV) or tobacco cigarette smoking (TCS) exposures on endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilation. A and C: endothelium-dependent relaxation in aortic rings from mice exposed to e-cig and TCS and for 16 and 60 wk, respectively. B and D: endothelium-independent relaxation in aortic rings from mice exposed to ECV and TCS for 16 and 60 wk, respectively. Data are presented as means ± SE for 6 independent experiments for assessment of vascular reactivity. Endothelium-dependent relaxation was impaired in TCS and all ECV groups compared with air control, with greatest impairment in TCS and ECV-24 groups and lesser impairment with ECV-6 and ECV-0. Endothelium-independent relaxation was also impaired with TCS and ECV exposures. ECV-0, ECV with 0 mg/mL NIC; ECV-6, 6 mg/mL NIC; ECV-24, 24 mg/mL NIC; NIC, nicotine. Impaired relaxation was present at 16 wk and increased at 60 wk of exposure. *Significant difference from air-exposed control at P < 0.05; +denotes significant difference from TCS-exposed group at P < 0.05.