Figure 6.
Exercise reduces aortic wall remodeling in BAPN-treated mice. A: representative section of AscAo demonstrating reduced elastin degradation in BAPN-EX mice compared with BAPN-CONV mice. Magnification in left panels (VVG) ×20 and in right panels (VVG and H&E) is ×40. B–D: quantification of intimal-medial thickness (B), adventitial thickness (C), and total wall thickness (D). E: decrease in nicks and breaks of the elastic lamina. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. n = 4 CONV, 6 EX, 5 BAPN-CONV, 5 BAPN-EX. AscAo, ascending aorta; BAPN, β-aminopropionitrile; BAPN-CONV, conventional cage activity; BAPN-EX, forced treadmill exercise; VVG, Verhoeff–Van Gieson.