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. 2021 May 28;12(6):554. doi: 10.1038/s41419-021-03845-y

Fig. 6. Nuclear exosomes HMGB3 derived from the micronucleus can be transferred from CNE2 to HUVECs and is associated with NPC metastasis.

Fig. 6

A Immunofluorescence (IF) images of NP69 with or without HMGB3 overexpression. The right images show a magnified nucleus and MN. The scale bar represents 50 µm. B IF images of NP69 oeHMGB3 were stained by HMGB3 (green), CD63 (red), and nucleus (blue). The scale bar represents 20 µm. C CNE2 cells transfected with fluorescent GFP-labelled HMGB3 overexpresses lentivirus were cocultured with HUVECs in a transwell Chamber. The scale bar represents 50 μm. D Western blotting analysis of the expression of HMGB3 in exosomes from NPC serum and CNE2-CM (cell medium). E Transmission electron microscopy of exosomes derived from NPC serum and CNE2-CM. The scale bar represents 200 nm. The red boxes indicate regions of pictures shown in the bottom two pictures. F Nanoparticle tracking analysis showed the size and distribution of exosomes isolated from NPC serum and CNE2-CM. G HUVECs uptake of exosomes released by NPC with a confocal microscope. blue: Hoechst staining; red: PKH26-labelled exosomes; light blue: DRAQ5 dye-labelled DNA. H Western blotting analysis of Alix, CD9, actinin-4 and flotillin-1 in NPC exosomes and CNE2 cells. I Detection of HMGB3 in serum exosomes of NPC patients and normal persons by Western blot. JL Flow cytometry analysis showed the percentage of gDNA and HMGB3 expression in exosomes of NPC patients and normal persons. J: normal persons; K: NPC patients without metastasis; L: NPC patients with metastasis.