Fig. 2. αSNAP dimers are the minimal units that connect NSF and SNARE complexes.
a Schematic for stoichiometry determination of αSNAPs bound to surface-immobilized SNARE-incorporating vesicles. b Representative fluorescence intensity traces for the single spots in the image with the corresponding number of photobleaching step(s). c Representative fluorescence images of Alexa647-labeled αSNAP and DY549-labeled NSF from a total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscope and the corresponding counts of proteins and co-localized portions. d Deconvoluted histogram of the photobleaching step(s) for labeled αSNAP in single spots examining the number of αSNAP for NSF binding. The histogram of photobleaching step(s) in d was deconvoluted accounting for the 90% labeling efficiency. Error bars in (c, d) represent mean ± s.d. for n = 9 images from two independent experiments (c) and n = 12 images from three independent experiments (d). The reproducibility of the images (b, c) was confirmed in three independent experiments. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.