Figure 3.
Motor resilience proteins mitigate the effects of heterogenous combinations of Alzheimer's disease and other brain pathologies in older brains. The bar chart in the lower left corner shows the frequencies of ten individual brain pathologies indices collected in this study. One or more pathologies were observed in almost 95% of decedents. Connected black dots on the x-axis indicate the specific combination of brain pathology in 5 or more individuals. The second bar chart in the main panel show the frequencies of the brain pathology indices for persons with low or high motor resilience protein stratified by the median value for motor resilience protein [high motor resilience protein (blue) versus low motor resilience protein (black)], ordered by their frequency. The height of each bar corresponds to the number of persons with each combination. AD Alzheimer’s disease pathology; CAA cerebral amyloid angiopathy. As illustrated in the figure, brain pathology indices frequently co-occur. More than 80% of older adults in these analyses showed combinations of two or more brain pathologies.