Impact of individual increase in circulating plasma CORT concentrations on LBN-induced transcriptional changes in NG2+ cells. (A) Averaging the individual plasma CORT concentrations per litter, this graph illustrates the heterogeneity of the CORT response across litters following LBN with the stratification in high CORT and low CORT concentration. Two-tailed Mann-Whitney Test, U = 30, p = 0.0553, n = 8 control (CNT) litters and n = 15 LBN litters. (B) Heatmap representing DEGs between control and high-CORT litters. In total, 54 genes were significantly upregulated (19) or downregulated (35, |log2fc| > 0.2, padj < 0.05). The heatmap shows scaled expression values for each gene across all relevant samples, whereby higher/lower expression is indicated by red/blue color. The magnitude of change in expression (log2fc) is indicated on the left-hand side of the plot, next to this the Pearson correlation coefficients of gene expression with CORT level in respective samples are shown. . (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)