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. 2021 May 17;8:634836. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.634836



Notation Meaning
Peptides and alleles
p A peptide
a An amino acid of a peptide sequence
P A set of peptides
Q An allele
x/b Original/normalized binding affinity for a peptide-MHC pair
l Binding level for a peptide-MHC pair
e Encoding vector of amino acid type
r Embedding vector of each amino acid
o Position embedding of each k-mer amino acids
R Feature matrix for a peptide sequence
F G Feature matrix for a padded peptide sequence (i.e., input of global kernel in SpConvM)
S(·) A scoring function
d e Dimension of amino acid embedding
d f Number of filters in convolution layer
d o Dimension of position embedding o
d g Number of global kernels in SpConvM
d r Dimension of hidden units c in fully connected layer
k Kernel size in convolutional neural layer
w Attention weight learned in attention layer