Fetus ID | CNV-CMA | Band | Chromosome coordinate | Chromosome | Start | End | Duplication/deletion | CNV size (bp) | Decipher ID | Variant | Duplication/deletion | Sex | Size | Pathogenicity/contribution | Inheritance | Phenotype(s)-renal/kidney/neph/glom | Phenotype(s) -other | CNV syndromes |
P77 | 46, XX, arr[hg19] 4p16.1(8, 212, 173-8, 437, 267) × 1 | 4p16.1 | Chr4: 8, 212, 173–8, 437, 267 | Chr4 | 8, 212, 173 | 8, 437, 267 | Deletion | 225094 | 287892 | Chr4: 71, 553–8, 732, 736 | Deletion | 46XX | 8.66 Mb | Pathogenic | De novo constitutive | Renal cyst | Ventricular septal defect; intrauterine growth retardation; choroid plexus cyst | NA |
P77 | 46, XX, arr[hg19] 4p16.1(8, 212, 173-8, 437, 267) × 1 | 4p16.1 | Chr4: 8, 212, 173–8, 437, 267 | Chr4 | 8, 212, 173 | 8, 437, 267 | Deletion | 225094 | 307768 | Chr4: 71, 552–18, 839, 648 | Deletion | 46XY | 18.77 Mb | Pathogenic full | De novo constitutive | Abnormality of the renal pelvis, penile hypospadias | Umbilical hernia; external ear malformation; cataract, hypertelorism, iris coloboma; abnormal eyelid morphology, depressed nasal bridge, epicanthus, micrognathia, preauricular skin tag, short philtrum, up slanted palpebral fissure; fifth finger distal phalanx clinodactyly; aplasia/hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, hypoplasia of the corpus callosum; prominent protruding coccyx | NA |
P77 | 46, XX, arr[hg19] 4p16.1(8, 212, 173-8, 437, 267) × 1 | 4p16.1 | Chr4: 8, 212, 173–8, 437, 267 | Chr4 | 8, 212, 173 | 8, 437, 267 | Deletion | 225094 | 326600 | Chr4: 72, 447–11, 175, 255 | Deletion | 46XX | 11.10 Mb | Pathogenic full | De novo constitutive | Chronic kidney disease | Severe intrauterine growth retardation | NA |
P82 | 46, XX, arr[hg19] 7q36.2 (153, 529, 677-153, 763, 852) × 3 | 7q36.2 | Chr7: 153, 529, 677–153, 763, 852 | Chr7 | 153, 529, 677 | 153, 763, 852 | Duplication | 234175 | 368657 | Chr7: 152, 306, 254–159, 118, 566 | Duplication | 46XX | 6.81 Mb | Pathogenic | De novo constitutive | Renal dysplasia | Ventricular septal defect; intrauterine growth retardation; spinal dysraphism | NA |
P82 | 46, XX, arr[hg19] 9p24.1p23 (8, 959, 747-9, 058, 856) × 1 | 9p24.1p23 | Chr9: 8, 959, 747–9, 058, 856 | Chr9 | 8, 959, 747 | 9, 058, 856 | Deletion | 99109 | 253970 | Chr9: 2, 146, 330–9, 663, 533 | Deletion | 46XY | 7.52 Mb | Pathogenic | De novo constitutive | Abnormality of the kidney, horseshoe kidney | Intellectual disability | NA |
P16 | 46, XY, arr 8p23.2(2, 350, 511-2, 734, 916) × 3 | 8p23.2 | Chr8: 2, 350, 511–2, 734, 916 | Chr8 | 2, 350, 511 | 2, 734, 916 | Duplication | 384405 | 253970 | Chr8: 487, 644–18, 600, 102 | Duplication | 46XY | 18.11 Mb | Pathogenic | De novo constitutive | Abnormality of the kidney, horseshoe kidney | Intellectual disability | NA |
P16 | 46, XY, arr 8p23.2(2, 350, 511-2, 734, 916) × 3 | 8p23.2 | Chr8: 2, 350, 511–2, 734, 916 | Chr8 | 2, 350, 511 | 2, 734, 916 | Duplication | 384405 | 278296 | Chr8: 1, 765, 533–6, 939, 296 | Duplication | 46XX | 5.17 Mb | Pathogenic | De novo constitutive | Ectopic kidney | Aplasia/hypoplasia of the nipples; hypertension; hypothyroidism; abnormal facial shape, reduced number of teeth; delayed speech and language development, global developmental delay, poor motor coordination; joint laxity, spinal canal stenosis | NA |
P10 | 46, XX, dup(10p12.31, 20.76-21.00, 242K) | 10p12.31 | Chr10: 20, 760, 000–21, 000, 000 | Chr10 | 20, 760, 000 | 21, 000, 000 | Duplication | 240000 | 354979 | Chr10: 1, 48, 325–24, 786, 291 | Duplication | 46XY | 24.64 Mb | Pathogenic full | De novo constitutive | Abnormality of the ureter, renal hypoplasia | Heart murmur; long eyelashes, prominent forehead; global developmental delay | NA |
P47 | 46, XX, arr 16p11.2(29, 634, 212-30, 154, 740) × 1 | 16p11.2 | Chr16: 29, 634, 212–30, 154, 740 | Chr16 | 29, 634, 212 | 30, 154, 740 | Deletion | 520528 | 301482 | Chr16: 29, 673, 954–30, 198, 600 | Deletion | 46XY | 524.65 kb | Pathogenic partial | Unknown | Hydronephrosis, unilateral renal agenesis | Duodenal stenosis | 16p11.2 deletion syndrome (Phenotype: abnormality of the face; feeding difficulties in infancy; intellectual disability; pointed chin) |
P47 | 46, XX, arr 16p11.2(29, 634, 212-30, 154, 740) × 1 | 16p11.2 | Chr16: 29, 634, 212–30, 154, 740 | Chr16 | 29, 634, 212 | 30, 154, 740 | Deletion | 520528 | 370503 | Chr16: 29, 656, 684–30, 190, 568 | Deletion | 46XY | 533.88 kb | Pathogenic | Unknown | Renal dysplasia, unilateral renal agenesis | Global developmental delay; tracheomalacia | 16p11.2 deletion syndrome (Phenotype: abnormality of the face; feeding difficulties in infancy; intellectual disability; pointed chin) |
P47 | 46, XX, arr 16p11.2(29, 634, 212-30, 154, 740) × 1 | 16p11.2 | Chr16: 29, 634, 212–30, 154, 740 | Chr16 | 29, 634, 212 | 30, 154, 740 | Deletion | 520528 | 331267 | Chr16: 29, 652, 360–30, 190, 593 | Deletion | 46XY | 538.23 kb | Likely pathogenic | De novo constitutive | Abnormality of the kidney | Abnormality of coordination, autistic behavior | 16p11.2 deletion syndrome (Phenotype: abnormality of the face; feeding difficulties in infancy; intellectual disability; pointed chin) |
P47 | 46, XX, arr 16p11.2(29, 634, 212-30, 154, 740) × 1 | 16p11.2 | Chr16: 29, 634, 212–30, 154, 740 | Chr16 | 29, 634, 212 | 30, 154, 740 | Deletion | 520528 | 283293 | Chr16: 29, 622, 757–30, 177, 916 | Deletion | 46XY | 555.16 kb | Pathogenic | De novo constitutive | Hydronephrosis | Failure to thrive; abnormality of the thumb, hypoplasia of the radius, lower limb hypertonia, radial club hand; hypertonia; broad-based gait, global developmental delay; decreased fetal movement | 16p11.2 deletion syndrome (Phenotype: abnormality of the face; feeding difficulties in infancy; intellectual disability; pointed chin) |
P45 | 46, XX, arr 22q11.21(18, 923, 623-19, 008, 108) × 3 | 22q11.21 | Chr22: 18, 923, 623–19, 008, 108 | Chr22 | 18, 923, 623 | 19, 008, 108 | Duplication | 84485 | 304917 | Chr22: 17, 029, 055–37, 959, 706 | Duplication | 46XX | 20.93 Mb | Pathogenic | Unknown | Axial malrotation of the kidney | Patent ductus arteriosus after birth at term; iris coloboma, posterior capsular cataract; high palate, prominent nasal bridge, short nose, small anterior fontanelle, smooth philtrum; hypoplastic toenails; polyhydramnios | 22q11.2 duplication syndrome (Phenotype: intellectual or learning disability, developmental delay, slow growth leading to short stature, and hypotonia) |
P46 | 46, XX, arr 22q11.22(22, 314, 463-22, 550, 078) × 3 | 22q11.22 | Chr22: 22, 314, 463–22, 550, 078 | Chr22 | 22, 314, 463 | 22, 550, 078 | Duplication | 235615 | 304917 | Chr22: 17, 029, 055–37,959,706 | Duplication | 46XX | 20.93 Mb | Pathogenic | Unknown | Axial malrotation of the kidney | Patent ductus arteriosus after birth at term; iris coloboma, posterior capsular cataract; high palate, prominent nasal bridge, short nose, small anterior fontanelle, smooth philtrum; hypoplastic toenails; polyhydramnios | 22q11.2 duplication syndrome (Phenotype: intellectual or learning disability, developmental delay, slow growth leading to short stature, and hypotonia) |
CNV, copy number variation; NA, not available.