Inadequate drug-dosage adjustment (21 answers in total) |
- Worsened management of renal anemia (13 answers) |
- Worsened glycemic control (3 answers) |
- Worsened blood pressure control (2 answers) |
- Delayed steroid dose reduction (1 answer) |
Inadequate management due to lack of face-to-face examination and blood tests (20 answers in total) |
- Renal function deterioration and/or worsened urinary protein (11 answers) |
- The occurrence of acute heart failure, resulting in hospitalization (1 answer) |
- Worsened systemic lupus erythematosus status (1 answer) |
- Decreased ability to complete activities of daily living and worsened dementia symptoms (1 answer) |
Patients asked for continuation of online/telephonic medical care despite the poor suitability (6 answers) |
Increased number of patients who interrupted or discontinued hospital visits (2 answers) |
Ran out of prescriptions (1 answer) |