Fig. 2.
(A) Subsurface (30 to 45 m) ammonium () concentration (mmol ) averaged during summer (June to August between 1997 and 2000) from the ANTH simulation (background color contours) and in situ observations (colored dots), showing the location and dispersal of ammonium-enriched wastewater plumes near the coast. Blue stars show the location of three large POTW outfalls. A detailed illustration of the coast-wide inputs is presented in SI Appendix, Fig. S1. Oceanic regions shallower than 30 m in the Santa Monica and San Pedro shelves are shown in white in A. (B and C) Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrate plus ammonium, + , in mmol ) averaged during winter along a cross-shore section in the Santa Monica Bay, shown by the solid black line in A, where B is the ANTH simulation and C is the CTRL simulation. Weak wintertime stratification allows shoaling of buoyant plumes and mixing, exposing anthropogenically enriched waters to the surface, evident in B.