Proposed graphical interface used to inform the radiologists of the
models' outputs. Colors indicate the lesion class: red indicates
a severe lesion, orange indicates a moderate (or mild) lesion, and green
indicates no lesion. Transparency indicates the probability output by
the model for that class (ie, stronger colors indicate more confidence).
Probabilities range from 33.3% (very uncertain) to up to 100% (most
certain) for three classes of every tissue. The anterior cruciate
ligament (ACL), when deemed reconstructed, is set to a differentiated
color with no transparency level and is indicated as being postsurgical.
FrT = trochlea, LAHORN = lateral anterior horn, LF = lateral femur,
LPHORN = lateral posterior horn, LT = lateral tibia, MAHORN = medial
anterior horn, MF = medial femur, MPHORN = medial posterior horn, MT =
medial tibia, P = patella.