Fig. 4.
β1-AR regulation of full-length and truncated α1C. Oocytes expressed CaV1.2-α1Cwt (full-length) or CaV1.2-α1CΔ1821 channels with or without Rad and β1-AR. (A) Before–after plots of Iso-induced changes in IBa in individual cells. The Rad:β2b RNA ratio in oocytes expressing wt CaV1.2 (blue symbols) or CaV1.2Δ1821 (black symbols) was 1:3 and 1:2, respectively. Three experiments; statistics: paired t test. (B) Summary of experiments shown in A. Statistics: ANOVA on ranks, separately for wt CaV1.2-α1C (H = 18.2, P < 0.001) and CaV1.2-α1CΔ1821 (H = 32.4, P < 0.001). In addition, Mann–Whitney U Rank Sum test was used to compare the last two groups, wt CaV1.2 versus CaV1.2Δ1821 with Rad and β1-AR (U = 382, P = 0.002). For CaV1.2-α1Cwt with Rad, there was no significant difference between the groups with and without β1-AR (P = 0.076, one-way ANOVA on ranks, Dunnett’s test).