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. 2021 Mar 3;12(3):632–646. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmab004


Observational studies of vitamin K status, CVD, and mortality1

Participants Study design Measurement of vitamin K exposure Outcome Results Reference
Rotterdam study, 4807 men and women; age 67 ± 8, 60% female Prospective, 7.2-y follow-up Phylloquinone and menaquinone intake (µg/d) Aortic calcification, CHD, mortality Menaquinone, but not phylloquinone, intake inversely associated with severe aortic calcification, incident CHD, CHD mortality, all-cause mortality (81)
564 Dutch postmenopausal women; age 67 ± 5 Cross-sectional Menaquinone intake (µg/d) CAC Agatston score High menaquinone intake associated with less coronary calcification (79)
Prospect-EPIC study, 16,057 Dutch postmenopausal women, mean age 59 ± 6 Prospective, 8.1-y follow-up Phylloquinone and menaquinone intake (µg/d) CVD Menaquinone, but not phylloquinone, intake inversely associated with CVD risk (80)
33,289 Men and women from the Dutch EPIC cohort, mean age 48 ± 12, 74% female Prospective; 16.8-y follow-up Phylloquinone and menaquinone intake (µg/d) CVD mortality and all-cause mortality Neither menaquinone nor phylloquinone intake associated with CVD mortality or all-cause mortality risk (82)
35,476 Men and women from the Dutch EPIC cohort, mean age 49 ± 12, 74% female Prospective, 12.1-y follow-up Phylloquinone and menaquinone intake (µg/d) Stroke Neither menaquinone nor phylloquinone intake associated with stroke risk (93)
7216 Spanish adults from the PREDIMED study, mean age 67 ± 7 Prospective, 4.8-y follow-up Phylloquinone and menaquinone intake (µg/d) All-cause and CVD mortality Phylloquinone, but not menaquinone, intake inversely associated with all-cause mortality (86)
72,874 American women from the Nurses’ Health Study, mean age 50 ± 7 y Prospective, 16-y follow-up Phylloquinone intake CHD Phylloquinone intake not associated with CHD after adjustment for healthy diet and lifestyle (91)
40,087 American men from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, mean age 53 ± 9 y Prospective, 16-y follow-up Phylloquinone intake CHD Phylloquinone intake not associated with CHD after adjustment for healthy diet and lifestyle (92)
5296 American men and women from NHANES, age >50 y Cross-sectional Phylloquinone intake (µg/d) Arterial stiffness: pulse pressure Inadequate dietary phylloquinone intake was associated with higher arterial pulse pressure (94)
3401 Americans with CKD from NHANES, mean age 61.9 y, 63% female Prospective, 13.3-y follow-up Phylloquinone intake (µg/d) All-cause and CVD mortality Adequate vitamin K intake associated with reduced risk for all-cause and CVD mortality (95)
508 Dutch postmenopausal women, age 56 ± 6 y Cross-sectional Plasma phylloquinone (nmol/L) CAC, aortic and mitral valve, aortic artery calcification Detectable circulating phylloquinone associated with more CAC (96)
857 American men and women from the MESA, mean age 64 ± 10 y, 45% female Prospective case-cohort, 2.5-y follow-up Serum phylloquinone (nmol/L) CAC progression Plasma phylloquinone <1.0 nmol/L associated with higher odds of CAC progression in treated hypertensives, but not in those not treated for hypertension (97)
1061 Older American men and women from Health ABC, mean age 74 ± 5 y, 58% female Prospective, 12.1-y follow-up Plasma phylloquinone (nmol/L) CVD Plasma phylloquinone <0.2 nmol/L (nondetectable) associated with higher CVD risk in treated hypertensives, but not in those not treated for hypertension (98)
3891 American men and women from MESA, Health ABC, and the Framingham Offspring, mean age 65 ± 11 y, 55% female Meta-analysis, prospective, 13.0-y follow-up Circulating phylloquinone (nmol/L) CVD and all-cause mortality Plasma phylloquinone <0.5 nmol/L associated with higher risk of all-cause mortality but not CVD (99)
200 Dutch postmenopausal women, mean age 67 ± 6 y Cross-sectional Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) CAC Borderline positive association between dp-ucMGP and CAC (P = 0.065) (100)
1087 Czech men and women from the MONICA study, mean age 55 ± 13 y, 53% female Cross-sectional Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) Arterial stiffness by aortic and distal PWV Individuals with highest circulating dp-ucMGP (≥641 pmol/L) more likely to elevated aortic PWV; dp-ucMGP was not associated with femoral artery PWV (56)
1001 Swiss men and women from Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension (SKIPOGH), mean age 47 ± 17 y, 52% female Cross-sectional Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) Aortic PWV Plasma dp-ucMGP positively associated with aortic PWV (54)
66 American type 2 diabetics, mean age 62 ± 12 y, 9% female Cross-sectional Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) Carotid-femoral PWV Plasma dp-ucMGP positively associated with carotid-femoral PWV (101)
489 Danish adults, mean age 51 ± 13 y, 46% female Cross-sectional Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) Estimated PWV (ePWV, from mean arterial pressure and age) Plasma dp-ucMGP positively associated with ePWV (55)
147 Norwegian patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis, mean age 74 ± 10 y Prospective, 1.9-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) All-cause mortality Increased mortality risk in patients with >950 pmol/L dp-ucMGP (102)
107 Dutch patients with CKD, mean age 67 ± 13 y, 40% female Prospective, 2.0-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) All-cause mortality Increased mortality risk in patients with >921 pmol/L dp-ucMGP (103)
518 Dutch type 2 diabetics in the EPIC cohort, mean age 51 ± 7 y, 82% female Prospective, 11.2-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) CHD, CVD, peripheral artery disease, heart failure dp-ucMGP positively associated with CHD, CVD, peripheral artery disease, heart failure risk (104)
2940 Dutch men and women from the EPIC cohort, mean age 50 ± 12 y, 75% female Prospective case-cohort, 11.5-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) CVD and stroke No association between circulating dp-ucMGP and stroke risk or CVD risk (105)
577 older Dutch men and women from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam, mean age 59.9 ± 2.9 y, 55% female Prospective, 5.6-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) CVD Increased risk of CVD in highest tertile of dp-ucMGP (>400 pmol/L) (58)
799 Czech patients with stable vascular disease, 65 ± 9 y, 29% female Prospective, 5.6-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) Mortality Increased risk of mortality in highest quartile of dp-ucMGP (≥977 pmol/L) (106)
518 Dutch stable kidney transplant recipients, mean age, 51 ± 12 y, 44% female Prospective, 9.8-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) Mortality Increased risk of mortality in highest quartile of dp-ucMGP (≥1535 pmol/L) compared with lowest (<735 pmol/L) (107)
2318 Flemish adults, mean age 44 ± 18 y, 51% female Prospective, 14.1-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) Total mortality, CVD mortality, noncancer mortality, coronary events Total, CVD, and noncancer mortality risk increased in curvilinear manner as dp-ucMGP increased; coronary event risk decreased in curvilinear manner as dp-ucMGP increased (108)
1061 Older American men and women from Health ABC, mean age 74 ± 5 y, 58% female Prospective, 12.1-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) CVD Plasma dp-ucMGP not associated with CVD risk (98)
4275 Dutch men and women in the Prevention of Renal and Vascular End-Stage Disease Study, mean age 53 ± 12 y, 54% female Prospective, 10-y follow-up Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) CVD mortality, all-cause mortality Positive J-shape association between plasma dp-ucMGP and CVD mortality and all-cause mortality; cutoff for all-cause mortality was 414 pmol/L and for CVD mortality was 557 pmol/L (59)
 Meta-analysis 7 prospective studies Plasma dp-ucMGP (pmol/L) CVD, CVD mortality, all-cause mortality Plasma dp-ucMGP positively associated with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality risk, but not with CVD risk (109)

1CAC, coronary artery calcification; CHD, coronary heart disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; dp-ucMGP dephosphorylated uncarboxylated matrix Gla protein; EPIC, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; MESA, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; MONICA MonItoring Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease, PREDIMED Prevention with Mediterranean Diet, PWV, pulse-wave velocity.