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. 2020 Nov 30;12(3):766–776. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmaa150


Included randomized controlled trial study characteristics of the impact of low AGEs diet on metabolic risk factors

Study, year (reference) Study design Participants Sample size, n Intervention diet Control diet Duration Dietary AGE content Outcomes
Harcourt et al., 2011 (27) Crossover Overweight men aged 18–50 y and BMI (in kg/m2) 26–39 11 LAGE diet HAGE diet 2 wk HAGE = 14,090, LAGE = 3302 kU AGE/d Fasting blood sugar
Uribarri et al., 2011 (25) Parallel Type 2 diabetic patients 18 randomised, 18 assessed: 12 LAGE and 6 HAGE diet LAGE diet HAGE diet 4 mo HAGE = >2 0, LAGE = <10 AGE Eq/d Fasting blood sugarHbA1cFasting insulinHOMA-IR
Luévano-Contreras et al., 2013 (37) Parallel Type 2 diabetic patients 34 randomised, 26 assessed: 13 HAGE and 13 LAGE diet LAGE diet HAGE diet 6 wk HAGE = 9910 ± 4164, LAGE = 8956 ± 3587 kU CML/d Fasting blood sugarHbA1cFasting insulinHOMA-IRTriglyceridesHDL cholesterolTotal cholesterol
Mark et al., 2014 (26) Parallel Overweight women aged 20–50 y 99 randomised, 74 assessed: 36 LAGE and 37 HAGE diet LAGE diet HAGE diet 4 wk HAGE = 24.6, LAGE = 10.7 mg CML/d Fasting blood sugarWaist circumferenceFasting insulinHOMA-IRTriglyceridesHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterolTotal cholesterol
Macías-Cervantes et al., 2015 (33) Parallel Overweight men (BMI >25) aged 30–55 y 75 randomized, 45 assessed: 15 in the diet plus exercise group, 14 in the exercise group, and 14 in the diet group LAGE diet HAGE diet 12 wk HAGE = 13,284 ± 4983, LAGE = 13,019 ± 4526 kU AGE/d Fasting blood sugarWaist circumferenceTriglyceridesHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterolSystolic blood pressureDiastolic blood pressure
Tantalaki et al., 2014 (31) Crossover PCOS; age range: 18–40 y 34 randomised, 23 assessed LAGE diet HAGE diet 8 wk HAGE = 1869.6 ± 114.6, LAGE = 1869.6 ± 114.6 kU AGE/d Fasting blood sugarFasting insulinHOMA-IR
Di Pino et al., 2016 (36) Parallel Adults with prediabetes; age range: 35–65 y; BMI: 18.5–40 62 randomised, 57 assessed: 29 LAGE and 28 HAGE diet LAGE diet HAGE diet 24 wk NA Fasting blood sugarHbA1cTriglyceridesHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterolTotal cholesterolSystolic blood pressureDiastolic blood pressure
Vlassara et al., 2016 (35) Parallel Obese subjects with metabolic syndrome aged ≥50 y 138 randomised, 100 assessed: 51 LAGE and 49 HAGE diet LAGE diet HAGE diet 48 wk HAGE = 20 ± 11, LAGE = 7 ± 6 AGE Eq/d Fasting blood sugarHbA1cWaist circumferenceFasting insulinHOMA-IRTriglyceridesHDL cholesterol
Cai et al., 2004 (29) Parallel Diabetic patients with normal lipid profile and renal function 24 randomised: 11 HAGE and 13 LAGE LAGE diet HAGE diet 6 wk HAGE = 5 times higher than LAGE Fasting blood sugarHbA1cTriglyceridesHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterolTotal cholesterol
Vlassara et al., 2002 (30) Parallel Diabetic subjects with good glycemic control and normal renal function 11 for crossover and 13 for parallel trials (6 in HAGE and 7 in LAGE diet) LAGE diet HAGE diet 6 wk HAGE = 5 times higher than LAGE Fasting blood sugarTriglyceridesHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterolTotal cholesterolSystolic blood pressureDiastolic blood pressure
Baye et al., 2017 (34) Parallel Overweight and obese otherwise healthy adults 24 randomised: 11 HAGE and 13 LAGE LAGE diet HAGE diet 2 wk HAGE = 3 times higher than LAGE TriglyceridesHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterolTotal cholesterolSystolic blood pressureDiastolic blood pressure
Semba et al., 2014 (32) Parallel Healthy adults aged 50–69 y 24 randomised, 24 assessed: 12 in each group LAGE diet HAGE diet 6 wk HAGE = 4 times higher than LAGE Fasting blood sugarTriglyceridesHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterolTotal cholesterol
Uribarri et al., 2014 (28) Parallel Healthy participants aged >60 y 18 randomised, 18 assessed: 10 LAGE and 8 HAGE LAGE diet HAGE diet 16 wk HAGE = >1 5, LAGE = <10 AGE Eq/d HOMA-IRTriglyceridesHDL cholesterolLDL cholesterol

AGE, advanced glycation end product; CML, carboxymethyllysine; HAGE, high advanced glycation end product; LAGE, low advanced glycation end product; NA, not applicable; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome.