(A, A′) Optic vesicles are normal in Arl13+/−;Gli2Lacz/+ embryos. The eye phenotype and brain exencephaly is partially rescued in Arl13b−/−;Gli2Lacz/+ embryos. Arrow indicates the eye. (B, B′) Immunostaining against the neural retina marker Rax and the lens markers β-crystallin and F-actin reveals that the orientation of the neural retina and lens in Arl13b−/−;Gli2Lacz/+ embryos was rescued. (C, C′) Immunostaining against Arl13b in Arl13b+/− retinas reveals the cilia in the apical side of the neural retina. However, no signal is detected in Arl13b mutant retinas, confirming that the mutant embryos lack Arl13b protein expression. Scale bar: 100 μm. (N: 3).