Workload, Staffing, and Bed Occupancy
Bed occupancy kept at one patient per bed
No patients in facility placed in beds standing in the corridor outside of the room (including beds in the emergency department)
Adequate spacing of >1 metre between patient beds ensured in the facility
System in place to assess and respond when adequate bed capacity is exceeded or when staffing levels are low compared to needs
Design of wards in facility in accordance with international standards regarding bed capacity in some departments
Built Environment, Materials, and Equipment for IPC
Water services available at all times and of sufficient quantities for all uses
Reliable safe drinking water station present and accessible for staff, patients, and families at all times and in all locations/wards
Functioning hand hygiene stations available at all points of care
Sufficient energy/power available at day and night for all uses
Functioning environmental ventilation available in patient care areas
Have single patient rooms or rooms for cohorts of patients with similar pathogens if the number of isolation rooms is insufficient (TB, Measles, Ebola)
Functional burial pit/fenced waste dump or municipal pick-up available for disposal of non-infectious general waste
Incinerator or alternative treatment technology for treatment of infectious and sharp waste present, functional and of sufficient capacity
Waste water treatment system present and functioning reliably
Healthcare facility provides a dedicated decontamination area and/or sterile supply department for the decontamination and sterilization of medical devices and other items
Reliably have sterile and disinfected equipment ready for use
Sufficient numbers of toilets or improved latrines available but not all are functioning for outpatient and inpatient settings
No accessible record of cleaning, signed by the cleaners each day for surfaces or floors being cleaned
Appropriate materials (buckets, mops, detergent) for cleaning available, but not well maintained
PPE not continuously available in sufficient quantities
Separate bins for waste collection available but inadequate: lids missing or bins more than ¾ full, only 2 bins (instead of 3), or bins at some but not all waste generation points
Disposable items (gloves, injection safety devices) available when necessary but only sometimes