SCAs aged 18–90 resuscitated to hospitalization in San Francisco County, CA were identified from 2/1/2011 to 1/1/2015. OHCAs dying in the field/ED were excluded but analyzed in the POST SCD Study. Non-sudden OHCAs were excluded. Of the 734 OHCAs analyzed, 133 met SCA criteria and were resuscitated to hospitalization (resuscitated SCAs), of which 86 died during hospitalization and 47 survived to hospital discharge. *Cases included in the POST SCD Study, but do not reflect the entirety of POST SCD cases because additional unwitnessed cases meeting WHO definition were included in the POST SCD protocol. † Unidentifiable cases (e.g., “John Doe”). ‡ Non-Sudden (n=107): end stage disease (n=53), skilled nursing facility (n=23), hospice (n=10), do not resuscitate (DNR) status (n=10), recent serious diagnosis (n=11). Not unexpected (n=108): symptoms > 1hr (n= 63), or suicide/trauma/overdose (n=45). OOH = Out of hospital, OHCA = Out of hospital cardiac arrest, POST SCD = POstmortem Systematic InvesTigation of Sudden Cardiac Death (POST SCD) Study, SCA = Sudden cardiac arrest.