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. 2021 Jun 1;147(6):e2020033316. doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-033316


Demographic and Clinical Characteristics by Treatment Group, Crude and Weighted

Crude Weighteda
Fluoroquinolones (n = 275 767) Comparatorsb (n = 7 365 684) Standardized Mean Difference Comparatorsb (n = 280 168) Standardized Mean Difference
Region, n (%)c 0.038 0.004
 Northeast 37 331 (13.5) 977 952 (13.3) 38 019 (13.6)
 North central 67 143 (24.3) 1 890 835 (25.7) 68 071 (24.3)
 South 129 936 (47.1) 3 464 911 (47.0) 132 236 (47.2)
 West 38 306 (13.9) 959 147 (13.0) 38 683 (13.8)
 Unknown 3051 (1.1) 72 839 (1.0) 3159 (1.1)
Sex, n (%) −0.311 0.005
 Male 84 950 (30.8) 3 367 759 (45.7) 85 689 (30.6)
 Female 190 817 (69.2) 3 997 925(54.3) 194 479 (69.4)
Age, y 0.872 0.003
 Median (IQR) 17 (16 to 18) 15 (14 to 17) 17 (16 to 18)
 12–13, n (%) 13 256 (4.8) 1 824 333 (24.8) 13 329 (4.8)
 14–15, n (%) 37 423 (13.6) 1 995 660 (27.1) 37 859 (13.5)
 16–17, n (%) 109 504 (39.7) 2 374 101 (32.2) 111 416 (39.8)
 18, n (%) 115 584 (41.9) 1 171 590 (15.9) 117 564 (42.0)
Indication, n (%)
 Diagnosis identifiedd
  Tier 1 87 876 (31.9) 590 646 (8.0) 0.625 93 322 (33.3) −0.031
  Tier 2 62 273 (22.6) 3 501 615 (47.5) −0.542 61 500 (22.) 0.015
  Tier 3 47 613 (17.3) 1 781 506 (24.2) −0.171 46 886 (16.7) 0.014
 Diagnosis not identifiede 78 005 (28.3) 1 491 917 (20.3) 0.145 78 459 (28.0) 0.005
Recent antibiotic, n (%)f
 Previous 14 d 12 396 (4.5) 236 531 (3.2) 0.067 13 027 (4.6) −0.007
 Previous 30 d 21 814 (7.9) 447 580 (6.1) 0.072 22 747 (8.1) −0.008
 Previous 100 d 46 671 (16.9) 1 049 909 (14.3) 0.074 48 109 (17.2) −0.007
Recent corticosteroids, n (%)g
 Same day 9334 (3.4) 423 015 (5.7) −0.113 9389 (3.4) 0.002
 Previous 100 d 10 847 (3.9) 236 543 (3.2) 0.039 11 327 (4.0) −0.006
Health care useh
 Count of outpatient encounters, median (IQR) 3 (2 to 6) 3 (2 to 5) 0.088 3 (2 to 6) −0.021
 Any inpatient admission, n (%) 2930 (1.1) 40 867 (0.6) 0.057 3137 (1.1) −0.006
Comorbid conditions, n (%)
 Any complex chronic conditioni 20 534 (7.4) 400 659 (5.4) 0.082 22 026 (7.9) −0.016
  Neurologic or neuromuscular 2152 (0.8) 40 682 (0.6) 0.028 2410 (0.9) −0.009
  Cardiovascular 2949 (1.1) 64 971 (0.9) 0.019 3051 (1.1) −0.002
  Respiratory 1530 (0.6) 7445 (0.1) 0.079 1867 (0.7) −0.014
  Renal or urologic 1372 (0.50 12 162 (0.2) 0.058 1605 (0.6) −0.010
  Gastrointestinal 3629 (1.3) 24 688 (0.3) 0.109 4395 (1.6) −0.021
  Hematologic or immunologic 1279 (0.5) 21 887 (0.3) 0.027 1405 (0.5) −0.005
  Metabolic 3584 (1.3) 71 998 (1.0) 0.030 3761 (1.3) −0.004
  Other congenital or genetic defect 3410 (1.2) 105 587 (1.4) −0.017 3603 (1.3) −0.004
  Malignancy 4020 (1.5) 93 256 (1.3) 0.017 4087 (1.5) <0.001
  Premature or neonatal 24 (<0.1) 611 (<0.1) <0.001 26 (<0.1) −0.001
  Transplantation 213 (0.1) 3704 (0.1) 0.011 250 (0.1) −0.004
  Device 1105 (0.4) 14 668 (0.2) 0.037 1335 (0.5) −0.011

IQR, interquartile range; —, not applicable.


SMR weighting: comparator-treated group weighted to covariate distribution of the fluoroquinolone-treated group.


Comparators: amoxicillin-clavulanate, azithromycin, cefalexin, cefdinir, cefixime, nitrofurantoin, and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim.


Northeast: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont; Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin; South: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia; West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.


Codes were obtained from any encounter up to the day of the index fill or 3 d before. Codes were classified by using diagnostic categories developed by Fleming-Dutra et al.36 Beneficiaries were only counted in the priority category (priority order: tier 1, tier 2, tier 3).


Either no recent codes were available (ie, the child did not have any health care encounters on the day of the antibiotic fill or in the 3 d before) or the diagnoses codes captured during that period were for an unrelated antibiotic or were nonspecific (E-codes and codes for symptoms, signs, or ill-defined health conditions). This category includes all other diagnosis codes that were not included in tier 3.


Any outpatient pharmacy prescription fill for a systemic antibiotic (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical group J01).


Outpatient pharmacy prescription fill for systemic budesonide, triamcinolone hexacetonide, prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, or hydrocortisone.


Captured during the 180 d before the index fill. Count of outpatient encounters is the count of unique service and discharge dates. The presence of any inpatient admission during 180 to 101 d before the index fill (exclusion criteria prohibited inpatient admission during the 100 d before).


Feudtner et al.37,38