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. 2021 Jun 1;16(3):778–796. doi: 10.26603/001c.22136

Table 2: Clinical perceptions about KT (N=1083).

*What are common reasons you use KT on your clients?
Performance enhancement 20.78% (225)
Injury prevention 15.42% (167)
Post-injury treatment (e.g. edema, ecchymosis) 74.24% (804)
Pain modulation 66.85% (724)
Neuro-sensory feedback (e.g. proprioception) 60.30% (653)
Myofascial mobility 24.01% (260)
Neuromuscular re-education 45.52% (493)
Pre-exercise warm-up 1.39% (15)
Post-exercise treatment 6.00% (65)
Placebo effect 40.44% (438)
Posture feedback 0.64% (7)
Patient requests KT 1.38% (15)
Joint support 0.46% (5)
Edema or swelling 0.74% (8)
Other 7.01% (76)
*Which factors have influenced how you apply KT to your clients?
Peer reviewed research articles, textbooks 53.55% (580)
Continuing education courses or conferences 74.33% (805)
Manufacturer instructions 28.90% (313)
KT textbooks 0.83% (9)
Websites, social media posts, or videos (e.g. YouTube) 31.10% (338)
Collaboration with other professionals 74.98% (812)
My prior empirical experience 64.08% (694)
Patient interest 1.66% (18)
Other variables not listed 5.36% (20)
*What therapeutic effects do you believe occur with KT?
Enhanced myofascial mobility 29.46% (319)
Pain modulation 69.80% (756)
Increased joint ROM 15.05% (163)
Enhanced stretch tolerance of muscles 13.48% (146)
Enhanced post-exercise recovery 12.56% (136)
Enhanced pre-exercise neuromyofascial excitation 13.11% (142)
Enhanced proprioception and kinesthetic sense 69.10% (748)
Enhance muscle activation/motor control 0.64% (7)
Inhibit muscle activation/motor control 0.28% (3)
Increases in local circulation (e.g. lymphatic) 65.47% (709)
Decreased edema, swelling, and/or effusion 0.28% (3)
Postural awareness 0.18% (2)
Placebo effect 58.63% (635)
Other effects not listed 3.23% (35)
*Which physiological mechanisms do you believe occur with KT?
Tape lifts the skin to allow improved local circulation 69.16% (749)
Tape stimulates skin mechanoreceptors increasing proprioception 77.00% (834)
Tape stimulates skin nociceptors resulting in pain modulation 60.20% (652)
Tape help improve joint range of motion 15.24% (165)
Tape helps improve muscle performance (strength) 13.85% (150)
Tape helps improve muscle activation and motor control 46.26% (501)
Tape can inhibit muscle activation 31.86% (345)
Tape can create a placebo effect 73.68% (798)
Other physiological mechanisms not listed 1.38% (15)
*What therapeutic effects do you believe occur with your preferred KT tension length you use with clients?
Enhanced myofascial mobility 23.45% (254)
Pain modulation 55.31% (599)
Increased joint ROM 9.42% (102)
Enhanced stretch tolerance of muscles 10.80% (117)
Enhanced post-exercise recovery 6.74% (73)
Enhanced pre-exercise neuromyofascial excitation 10.06% (109)
Enhanced proprioception and kinesthetic sense 58.73% (636)
Increases in local circulation (e.g. lymphatic) 43.31% (469)
Placebo effect 43.86% (475)
Joint stability 0.83% (9)
Muscle inhibition 0.18% (2)
Other effects not listed 1.01% (11)
**Which general precautions do you believe are most important with kinesiology tape?
Skin reaction/allergy (e.g. irritation, itching) 50.69% (549)
Thin skin (e.g. common in elderly) 25.48% (276)
Lymph node removal 2.86% (31)
Connective tissue disorder (e.g. Marfan syndrome) 3.79% (41)
Medications that alter sensation 1.57% (17)
Pregnancy 1.39% (15)
impaired or altered sensation 9.08% (87)
Unusual pain or discomfort 6.19% (67)
***What other precautions should professionals consider with kinesiology tape?
No other precautions 94.92% (1,028)
Prior skin reaction to KT 0.74% (8)
Allergy to adhesives or latex 0.74% (8)
Patient understanding, compliance, and self-efficacy 1.01% (11)
Patient ability to self-apply tape 0.37% (4)
Patients with impaired judgement/cognition 0.65% (7)
Other reason not listed above 1.57% (17)
**Which contraindications do you believe are most important with kinesiology tape?
Diabetes 2.40% (26)
Peripheral neuropathy 1.39% (15)
Acute injury 1.57% (17)
Skin with open wounds or lesions 32.87% (356)
Allergy to adhesives, latex, or synthetic tapes 33.33% (361)
Deep vein thrombosis 4.80% (52)
Congestive heart failure 1.66% (18)
Malignancy (active) 3.51% (38)
Renal insufficiency 0.28% (3)
Infection or fever 1.85% (20)
Undiagnosed rash or skin irritation 3.69% (40)
Inability to communicate 13.48% (146)
Lymph edema 0.55% (6)
**What other contraindications should professionals consider with kinesiology tape?
No other contraindications 84.76% (918)
Patient willingness, mental status, or dependence 1.11% (12)
Inability to reach a body region 0.74% (8)
Skin sensitivity or tolerance 1.66% (18)
Fragile or thin skin 1.94% (21)
Other contraindications not listed 9.79 (106)

* Respondents chose all options that applied to them; **Respondents ranked their answers; ***Respondents provided answers in a comment section; KT= kinesiology tape; ROM=range of motion