Figure 5. Cell cycle and p53 status at the time of exposure correlates with cell fate outcomes.
(A, B) The fate of asynchronously growing FUCCI expressing A549 individual control (n = 50) and cisplatin pulsed cells (n = 100) was tracked by time-lapse microscopy, with images taken every 30 min for 72 hr. Cisplatin-treated cell analysis was slightly biased for cells that underwent multiple divisions. (C) Violin plots of the number of divisions from cells in (A, B), based on the cell cycle phase at the time of cisplatin exposure. Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s correction for multiple comparisons (**p<0.01, ****p<0.0001, ns = not significant). (D) Schematic (created with of optical window-based longitudinal in vivo imaging of FUCCI A549 cells. (E) Representative 3D projection images from mice imaged at days 1 and 7 with carboplatin (Carbo) or control (Saline). (F) Quantification of the proportion of red (G1), yellow (G1/S), and green (S/G2-M) cells found in tumours (n = 3) from day 0 to 7.