A: Meta-Analysis Results of SLE Prevalence Based on Four CDC Population-Based Registries, Overall and by Registry Site. Overall prevalence estimates for the SLE registry sites in Michigan (MI), Georgia (GA), New York (NY), and California (CA) are represented by circles, with the size of the circle corresponding to the weight of the contribution to the meta-analysis, and the diamond representing the results from the meta-analysis and the lines corresponding to 95% confidence intervals.
B & C: Meta-Analysis Results of SLE Prevalence Based on Four CDC Population-Based Registries, Overall and by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity Among Females (B) and Males (C)
The overall female and male meta-analysis estimate is based on results from the lupus registry sites in Michigan, Georgia, New York, and California.
a Estimates for Blacks and whites are based on pooled estimates from the four state-based registries; Asian/Pacific Islanders (Asian/PI) are based on pooled estimates from Michigan, California and New York; American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) estimates are from the Indian Health Service registry data previously published.
b Estimates for Hispanics are based on pooled estimates from Michigan, California and New York.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) cases were defined according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria.