Figure 6.
Organization of projections within the target area (V1)
(A) Injection sites in V1 color-coded based on normalized cell counts (% cell count) from example source areas (the range of % cell counts for each area is reported in Figure 3B). The corresponding source area is shaded in light yellow (except for ACA, which is anterior to the displayed cortical surface).
(B and C) Correlation of normalized cell counts to retinotopic axes for assessing projection bias. (B) Example correlation plot for area PM. PM showed significant correlation along both azimuth (left) and elevation (right) axes. (C) Correlation coefficients for all higher visual areas. Filled bars indicate significant correlations (p < 0.05). Top schematics illustrate the retinotopy (blue-red color map) and projection bias (black arrows) within V1 (see also Tables S5 and S6).