Fig. 6.
Time-course profiles for the Novozym 435-catalysed synthesis of xylityl monolaurate (○), and xylityl dilaurate (▾) by using xylitol and lauric acid (●) as substrates (1:1, mol/mol ratio), and the energy supplied (red dashed line), at large scale (A, B, 8.8 g; C, 17.6 g overall mass substrates) under different ultrasound power conditions (A, 70% amplitude, 295 ± 5 W; B, 40% amplitude, 168 ± 4 W; C, 40% amplitude, 230 ± 5 W). D. Representative example of the reaction medium after the biocatalytic process under ultrasound assistance, followed by centrifugation at 50 °C (See experimental section and S.D.). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)