Fig. 1.
CatWalk XT analysis of different aged A30P and wild type (WT) mice. (a) Individual paws were classified automatically with the CatWalk XT software as right forepaw (RF), right hindpaw (RH), left forepaw (LF), and left hindpaw (LH). (b) Static and dynamic parameters were all significantly different in older A30P mice compared with age-matched controls, while 2-month-old A30P and WT mice did not show any motoric disturbances. Base of support on front paws (c) and run duration (d) were significantly increased in 12–13-month-old A30P mice, while the average speed (e) and cadence (f) were decreased. Stands of all paws, including RF (g), RH (h), LF (i), and LH (j), were significantly augmented in 12–13-month-old A30P mice compared with WT animals. This was confirmed by corresponding 2-D maps from WT (k, m) and A30P mice (l, n). Two-month-old A30P mice showed no motoric changes, which was confirmed by 2-D maps. WT mice are shown in blue (n = 4), A30P mice in red (n = 5). 2-D maps determine the gait sequence of paw contact with the glass plate over time. * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, and *** p ≤ 0.001 using ANOVA