Arc network of variant correlations (> 0.15) exhibiting shared risk between common neurodevelopmental, ASD and ADHD colored by purple, neuropsychiatric, BIP and SCZ colored by blue, and neurodegenerative disorders, PD, AD, FTD, PSP colored by red and green. The width of the colored connecting arc depicts the size of correlation. Correlations taken from {Chen:2018ks, AutismSpectrumDisorderWorkingGroupofthePsychiatricGenomicsConsortium:2019ex, Demontis:2018do}. ASD; Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD; Attention-deficient hyperactivity disorder, BIP;Bipolar, SCZ; Schizophrenia, PD; Parkinson’s disorder, AD; Alzheimer’s disorder, FTD; Frontal-temporal lobe Dementia, PSP; Progressive supranuclear palsy.