Fig. 6.
Probability of each group being the best (y-axis) against the extent of inconsistency, (x-axis), within the obtained range for each data set. a when I2 is 0% and the standard error is 1, b when I2 is 40% and the standard error is 1, c when I2 is 70% and the standard error is 1, d when I2 is 0% and the standard error is 2, and e when I2 is 40% and the standard error is 2, f when I2 is 70% and the standard error is 2, g when I2 is 0% and the standard error is , h when I2 is 40% and the standard error is , and i when I2 is 70% and the standard error is . The black dotted, gray solid, and black solid lines indicate the probability corresponding to groups a, b, and c, respectively. A vertical line marks the point at which some lines cross, and the percentages in the dark gray and dim gray boxes represent the proportions of that resulted in a consistent ranking and an inconsistent ranking of treatments relative to the original ranking, respectively