Table 1.
Comparison of Spontaneous and Posttreatment Controllers
Finding | Description of Evidence | |
SCs | PTCs | |
Protective HLA alleles [78, 89] | Strong | Negative |
CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell–mediated immunity [76, 79, 89, 102, 103] | Strong | Unclear or absent |
Innate immune cells, eg, natural killer cells, involvement [104–106] | Modest | Modest |
Immune activation [89, 107–109] | Modest | Unclear or absent |
Antibody-mediated immunity [110–112] | Modest | Unclear or absent |
High levels of defective provirus [75, 113] | Modest | Modest |
Association of HIV proviral integration site [114] | Strong | Unclear or absent |
Enhanced with early HIV treatment [88] | NA | Strong |
Abbreviation: HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; NA not applicable; PTCs, posttreatment controllers; SCs, spontaneous controllers.