A) Schematic of macrophage depletion model. Diphtheria toxin (DT) administered every two days from day 56 to 62 (DT Adult) after birth followed by quantitative analyses at day 63 of the absolute count of macrophages (CD45+ Lin− F4/80+ CD64+) in the colon (B) and spleen (C), and the absolute count of iNKT (CD45+ CD3ε+ TCRβ+ CD1d Tetramer+) and TCR-αβ+ T (CD45+ CD3ε+ TCRβ+) cells in the colon (D) and spleen (E) of control littermates LysCre+/− (colon n=10, spleen n=5) or MMDTR (colon n=10, spleen n=5) animals. F) Schematic of macrophage depletion model. DT administered from day 15 to 21 (DT15–21) after birth followed by quantitative analyses on day 22 (H22) of the absolute count of macrophages (G) and the absolute count of iNKT and TCR-αβ+ T cells in the colon (H) of control littermates LysCre+/− ( n=8) or MMDTR (n=6) animals. Absolute counts were determined by flow cytometry. Error bars indicate standard error of mean. Each dot is representative of an individual mouse. P values were calculated by unpaired two-sided Student’s t-test. ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, ns: not-significant.