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. 2021 Jun 3;78:102475. doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2021.102475

Table B7.

Ontario – robustness (standard errors).

Outcome: weekly case growth, Yit=Δlog(ΔCit)
(1) (2)
Mask_14 -0.244 -0.248
(0.017) ** (0.016) **
[0.012] ** [0.011] **
{0.023} ** {0.020} **
Business/gathering_14 0.042 0.120
(0.921) (0.777)
[0.937] [0.789]
{0.945} {0.814}
School_14 -0.545 -0.499
(0.054) * (0.187)
[0.051] * [0.168]
{0.084} * {0.203}
Long-term care_14 -0.468 -1.067
(0.710) (0.405)
[0.696] [0.410]
{0.690} {0.422}
Behaviour proxy_14 -0.005 -0.004
(0.288) (0.335)
[0.280] [0.335]
{0.301} {0.327}
R-squared 0.096 0.096
N 6800 6800
Δlog(ΔC)_14 X X
log(ΔC)_14 X X
Δlog(ΔPC)_14 X
log(ΔPC)_14 X
Δlog(ΔT) X X
PHU fixed effects X X
week fixed effects X X

Notes: Time period – May 15, to November 30. P-values from standard clustering by PHU (Stata command ‘cluster’) in the () parentheses, wild bootstrap with one-way clustering by PHU and 5000 repetitions in the [ ] square brackets, and wild bootstrap with two-way clustering by PHU and day with 5000 repetitions in the { } curly braces. PC denotes provincial total cases. ***, ** and * denote 10%, 5% and 1% significance level respectively.