Wnt1-Cre;R26Rmtmg lineage mapping Control (A), H1CKO, Hand2 heterozygous (B and C) and H1CKO;H2CKO E12.5 day embryos (D). two outflow tract cushions (OFTc) are visible in control and H1CKO; H2 heterozygous hearts; however, only a single cushion is visible in the double knockout hearts. The class 3 semaphorin SEMA3C promotes septal bridge formation (white arrowhead). Sema3c in situ hybridization in Control (E) and H1CKO; H2 heterozygous hearts display Sema3c expression consistent with controls (F and G). Hand1fx/−;Hand2fx/−;Wnt1-Cre(+) mutants; however, exhibit mis-localized Sema3c-expressing cNCCs (H, red arrow heads). As Sema3c marks the septal bridge, this structure appears malformed within double CKOs. All double CKOs present with persistent truncus arteriosus (PTA, n=5/5). pharyngeal arch, PA; Myocardial cuff, denoted by black arrowhead; aorta, Ao; pulmonary trunk, PT; left atrium, LA; right atrium, RA; left ventricle, LV; right ventricle, RV; white asterisk, PTA