Fig. 5. Pretreatment with EGTA-buffered calcium-free solution reduces the ACh-induced current amplitude in AcerKis neurons but has no effect in Kis neurons.
a, c The ACh-evoked inward current currents (pulse application of 1 mM ACh, 3 s in duration) were recorded for holding potentials ranging from −70 to +10 mV with 10 mV steps every 2 min in control and in the presence of EGTA-buffered calcium-free solution in Kis neurons (a) and in AcerKis neurons (c). The mean values of the peak current amplitude recorded in Kis neurons (n = 6–9) and in AcerKis neurons (n = 3–9) were plotted as a function of the holding potential. Bars represent mean ± S.E.M. The statistical test used was Student unpaired t-test, **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05; ns, non-significant. The number of experiments (n) are biologically independent samples. It should be noted that the ACh-induced current amplitude recorded in AcerKis neurons is significantly reduced in the presence of EGTA-buffered calcium-free solution. b, d Normalized chord conductances of ACh-induced current (G/Gmax) are plotted versus membrane potential in control and in the presence of EGTA-buffered calcium-free solution in Kis (b) and AcerKis (d) neurons. Changes in the current amplitude and the associated reduction in the maximal calculated conductance indicate that nAChRs activated by ACh (1 mM) are at least permeable to calcium in AcerKis neurons.