Figure 4.
Reactivity to malondialdehyde acetaldehyde modified protein. Serum IgG reactivity to malondialdehyde acetaldehyde (MAA) modified protein was determined by MAA-BSA ELISA in 437 population controls, 159 SLE patients, 403 RA patients whereof 125 CCP2 negative and 278 CCP2 positive, and 267 CCP2 positive RA-risk individuals without arthritis. Cutoff for high reactivity was set to the 85th percentile of 316 population controls (56.44 AU/ml). (A, B) MAA reactivity in different cohorts. (C) MAA reactivity in association with RA disease activity by DAS28 in 281 RA patients (153 with low MAA levels and 128 with high MAA levels, > 56.44 AU/ml). (D) IgG MAA reactivity in 30 RA patients with low disease activity (DAS28 < 3.2), 93 with moderate disease activity (3.2 ≤ DAS28 ≥ 5.1), and 158 with high disease activity (DAS28 > 5.1). All RA patients had early disease (< 1 year after symptom onset). Red lines depict medians. P-values are presented from Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s correction for multiple comparisons.