Figure 4.
The effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection on antigen presentation in host cells
(A) Rank plot of protein abundances (log10 protein iBAQ) from human and SARS-CoV-2 detected in the whole-proteome analysis.
(B) Similar rank plot as in (A) but for observed HLA-I peptide abundance (log2 intensity).
(C) Venn diagram showing the overlap between total HLA-I peptides in uninfected and infected A549 cells.
(D) Expression heatmap of central antigen presentation pathway proteins in uninfected and infected cells (24 hpi).
(E) Volcano plot comparing protein levels in uninfected and infected A549 and HEK293T cells 24 hpi (dashed line, p < 0.01, moderated t test).
(F) Similar to (E); a volcano plot representing whole-proteome data from A549/ACE2 cells 24 hpi (Stukalov et al., 2020).