Fig. 1 ∣. Chemical tools to target GPR84 and their downstream effects.
Examples of agonists that activate the GPR84 receptor include embelin, 6-n-octylaminouracil (6-OAU), diindolylmethane, 2-(hexylthio)pyrimidine-4,6-diol (ZQ-16), 6-hexylamino-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione (PSB-1584), and medium-chain fatty acids (9–14 carbons). GPR84 activation using the selective biased agonist DL-175 has been shown to lead to phagocytosis and a pro-inflammatory response4. PBI-4050, an antagonist of GPR84 as well as an agonist of GPR40, reduced liver, pulmonary and kidney fibrosis in mouse and rat models5.