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. 2021 Jun 2;16(1):558–570. doi: 10.1515/biol-2021-0051

Table 2.

Viral properties of some enveloped virus families. Efficacy of γ-irradiation on the log10 reduction

Virus Family Morphology (not to scale) Size (nm) Genome size (kb) * Nucleic acid genome D 10 (kGy) log10 reduction/kGy c References
IBRb Herpesviridae graphic file with name j_biol-2021-0051-fx001.jpg 100–120 120–230 Double-stranded DNA 3.22 0.310 [136,137]
APV Poxviridae graphic file with name j_biol-2021-0051-fx002.jpg 240–300 130–260 Double-stranded DNA 2.20 0.456 [138,139]
PI3b Paramyxoviridae graphic file with name j_biol-2021-0051-fx003.jpg 100–200 13–19 Single-stranded RNA 4.78 0.209 [128,140]
BVDVa Flaviviridae graphic file with name j_biol-2021-0051-fx004.jpg 50–70 9–13 Single-stranded RNA 5.05 0.198 [141,142]
SARS-CoV-2 Coronaviridae graphic file with name j_biol-2021-0051-fx005.jpg 20–25 26–32 Single-stranded RNA 1.60 0.625 [134,143]
BEFVa Rhabdoviridae graphic file with name j_biol-2021-0051-fx006.jpg 75 × 150 10–16 Single-stranded RNA 2.94 0.340 [142,144]
Akabanea Bunyavuridae graphic file with name j_biol-2021-0051-fx007.jpg 80–120 11–23 Single-stranded RNA 2.50 0.400 [142,145]
Ainoa Bunyavuridae graphic file with name j_biol-2021-0051-fx008.jpg 80–120 11–23 Single-stranded RNA 3.45 0.290 [142,146]

APV: avian poxvirus, PI3: parainfluenza virus type 3, IBR: infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, BVDV: bovine viral diarrhea virus, BEFV: bovine ephemeral fever virus.


A kilobase (kb) pair is a unit of genome size measurement equal to 1,000 base pairs of DNA or RNA.


Viruses in bovine serum.


Viruses spiked into fetal bovine serum.


log10 reduction per kGy represents the slope of the viral inactivation (log10 reduction in titer) vs radiation dose in kGy.