Figure 6.
Fine structure of courtship chirping. Shown are cross-correlograms of chirp times; that is, the chirp rate of one fish relative to each chirp of the other fish (median with 95% confidence interval in color), of the same courting pairs of fish as in Figure 5. Corresponding chirp rates and confidence intervals from randomly jittered, independent chirp times are shown in gray. A, C, Male chirping is first significantly inhibited immediately after a female chirp (A: at 64 ms, Cohen's d = 9.3, n = 2565 female chirps, C: at 85 ms, Cohen's d = 7.1, n = 3213 female chirps) and then transiently increased (A: at 166 ms, d = 5.9, C: at 162 ms, d = 7.5). B, D, Female chirps are timed independently of male chirps (B: maximum d = 2.8, n = 2648 male chirps, D: maximum d = 1.9, n = 2178 male chirps).