Table 2.
Variable | Prevalence (95% CI) |
Falls in last 2 y, %a | |
No falls | 51 (45–56) |
Noninjurious fall | 29 (25–33) |
Injurious fall | 20 (17–24) |
ADLs, %b | |
No impairment (neither difficulty nor help with ADLs) | 62 (58–65) |
Difficulty (difficulty with ≥1 ADLs, does not require help with any ADLs) | 14 (11–16) |
Dependency (help with ≥1 ADLs) | 25 (21–29) |
IADLs, %c | |
No impairment (neither difficulty nor help with IADLs) | 58 (55–62) |
Difficulty (difficulty with ≥1 IADLs, does not require help with any IADLs) | 14 (12–17) |
Dependency (help with ≥1 IADLs) | 28 (25–31) |
Cognition, %d | |
Intact | 63 (59–68) |
Cognitively impaired, not dementia | 23 (19–27) |
Dementia | 14 (11–17) |
Incontinence, %e | 43 (39–47) |
Count of geriatric syndromes, %f | |
0 | 18 (14–21) |
1 | 23 (20–27) |
2 | 21 (18–25) |
3 | 18 (15–20) |
4 | 10 (8–13) |
5 | 9 (7–12) |
Note: Percentages shown are weighted using the Health and Retirement Study–RAND survey weights to estimate prevalence among adults 65 years or older with atrial fibrillation in the United States.
Abbreviations: ADL, activity of daily living; CI, confidence interval; IADL, instrumental ADL.
Categories are hierarchical and mutually exclusive. If a participant reported multiple falls and any fall that resulted in an injury requiring medical attention, the participant was categorized as having had an injurious fall. Excludes three participants with missing fall data.
Categories are hierarchical and mutually exclusive. Difficulty defined as participant reported difficulty completing one or more ADLs and not requiring help with any ADL. ADLs include bathing, getting out of bed, dressing, eating, toileting, and walking. Excludes three participants with missing ADL data.
Categories are hierarchical and mutually exclusive. Difficulty defined as participant reported difficulty completing one or more IADLs and not requiring help with any IADL. IADLs include shopping for groceries, preparing hot meals, taking medications, making telephone calls, and managing money.
Categories are hierarchical and mutually exclusive. Cognitive status defined using the Langa-Wier score.38
Excludes three participants missing incontinence data.
Count of syndromes is the sum of impairment in each of the five syndromes defined in the table. Impairments defined as noninjurious fall or injurious fall, ADL difficulty or dependency, IADL difficulty or dependency, cognitive impairment or dementia, and incontinence. Excludes nine participants missing any geriatric syndrome data.