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. 2021 Jun 3;16(6):e0252358. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252358

Table 1. Participant demographic and psychosocial characteristics.

Characteristic/Item Item categories mean SD n %
Age 19.5 1.9
Gender identity Female 224 66.1
Male 109 32.1
Other (trans, queer, other) 6 1.8
Sexual orientation Heterosexual 257 75.8
Bisexual 33 9.7
Gay/Lesbian 6 1.8
Other 28 8.3
Missing 15 4.4
Relationship status Not in a relationship 221 65.2
In a relationship 95 28.0
Not sure 12 3.5
Missing 11 3.3
Ethnicity White 156 46.0
Asian 135 39.8
Other 48 14.2
Year in school 1st year 211 62.2
2nd year 64 18.9
3rd year 28 8.3
4th year 19 5.6
Higher than 4th year undergrad 9 2.7
Not seeking a degree 1 0.3
Missing 7 2.0
International student Yes 120 35.4
No 213 62.8
Missing 6 1.8
Residence On-campus 248 73.1
With parents 34 10.0
Off-campus alone/with roommates/other 48 14.2
Missing 9 2.7
Physical activity in the past 7 days (20min of vigorous exercise or 30min of moderate exercise) Never 94 27.6
1–3 days/week 167 49.4
4–6 days/week 65 19.1
every day or more than once a day 13 3.9
Enough sleep to feel rested in the morning in the past 7 days ≤ 4 days/week 260 76.8
≥ 5 days/week 79 23.2
Weight satisfaction Not satisfied/slightly unsatisfied 161 47.4
Somewhat satisfied 101 29.9
Very/extremely satisfied 77 22.7
Perceived stress No/less than average stress 25 7.4
Average stress 88 26.0
More than average/tremendous stress 226 66.6
Stressful life events Mild stressors 81 23.7
Moderate stressors 149 44.1
Severe stressors 109 32.2
Social support Poor/fair 67 19.6
Good/very good/excellent 272 80.4

Data for these items was imputed.