N |
Total dog population (S+E+I+V) |
203183 |
Arequipa Ministry of Health [24] |
θ |
Instantaneous per capita birth rate |
θ = μN + α |
Calculated to maintain a steady state equilibrium |
μ |
Instantaneous per capita death rate (not attributable to rabies) |
1/1099.20 |
Calculated from survey data |
γ |
Instantaneous per capita rate of exposed dogs becoming infectious |
1/22.3 |
Hampson, 2009 [25] |
α |
Instantaneous per capita death rate of rabid dogs attributable to rabies |
1/2.53 |
Calculated from focus control data |
Per capita vaccination rates |
Changes based on yearly vaccination coverage (Table A in S2 Appendix) |
Calculated from survey data |
Instantaneous per capita loss of immunity rates |
1/365 |
Nobivac and Peru Centro Nacional de Productos Biológicos [26,27] |
β |
Transmission coefficient |
R0(γ+μ) (μ +α)/γ |
Calculated based on next generation matrix methods [28] |
Basic reproductive number |
1.44 (a range from 1.36 to 2 is presented) |
Fit epidemic data |