Figure 3.
Quantitative SARS-CoV-2-spike and nucleocapsid IgG titres by reinfection status at the first testing round and last testing round
SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody values at the first round of testing (A) and last round of testing, stratified by duration between the last antibody test and last relevant PCR test (B). SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibody values at the first round of testing (C) and last round of testing, stratified by duration between the last antibody test and last relevant PCR test (D). The last relevant PCR test was defined as the first positive PCR test following antibody testing for reinfected cases and the last negative PCR test for controls. The median duration between the last antibody test and last relevant PCR result (first positive for cases, last negative for controls) was 62 days (28–88) among reinfected cases and 68 days (48–75) among control cases; on the basis of this testing gap, participants were categorised into three categories (0–50 days between tests, 50–75 days, and 75–180 days). Horizontal lines represent median values, boxes show the IQR, whiskers show data points within 1·5 × the IQR (upper and lower quartile; missing whiskers indicate that there were no data points within this range), and dots show outliers. AU=arbitrary units.